Category: Club news

The Battle of the British Bantamweight Bruisers

What happens when you take the best light weight, track honed, British small volume road cars, hire a track and ring the bell? Well, if the two marques present are BAC and Ariel, you get

Castle – Stormed!

May 31st saw over 20 Ariel Atoms (plus a couple of Abarths) rock up at Castle Combe to experience one of the fastest and most notorious tracks in the UK. Arranged by our very own

Do you cyber?

The pace of technological innovation keeps on accelerating faster than an turbo charged Atom on full after burner, so we thought it was time to take a leaf out the Open AI’s book and join

Ariel North America

The apex of men in sheds – Club Away day

Factory Tour of Arch Motors (major suppliers to brands like Lola, Brabham, Lotus, Mclaren and Ariel) Date: Saturday 20th May, 2023, Location, Huntingdon, UK. The Club have arranged a rare visit to Arch Motors, the

Let’s get our group on!

One if the wonderful things about our amazing Ariel vehicles is that it is almost impossible to find 2 that are identical. Each one is built to its owners specifications (and if you ever want

2023 Ariel Club Calendar

The perfect gift to yourself (or to those unfortunate folk who do not have an Ariel in their life), a limited edition, full colour calendar, that is guaranteed to cover the the whole 12 months

Factory EXCLUSIVE Track Day Experience

In celebration of all things that are #SeriousFun, we are delighted to announce a Members Only, Very Limited, Special Event, coming to a race track near you* this October. Ariel Motor Company are running a

No time like track time

For many of us, the weather has become a little warmer and the track season has begun. Head over to the Club’s forum boards here to see what members have got planned and get