The apex of men in sheds – Club Away day

Factory Tour of Arch Motors (major suppliers to brands like Lola, Brabham, Lotus, Mclaren and Ariel)

Date: Saturday 20th May, 2023, Location, Huntingdon, UK.

The Club have arranged a rare visit to Arch Motors, the world renowned chassis manufacturers who have built and supplied many of the finest race teams and manufacturers, including Ariel, over the years. This is a great opportunity to see how major parts of your car are created and to explore some real motoring history.

After the morning tour of the factory and facilities, we will sample some of the local roads so that we can fully appreciate the output of Arch Motors.

Head over to the forum now and add you name to the list as numbers are strictly limited!

The small volume British motor industry is often referred to as the domain of men in sheds – Arch Motors may have started underneath a railway arch in North London, but they have influenced motorsport and motoring enjoyment in all corners of the globe.

Posted by Steve Wind-Mozley

Steve has ruined many cars over the years, modding them trying to get them to go around circuits quicker. Luckily Ariel did a pretty good job with the Atom, so now he mostly makes excuses about why he is not faster. He's a tech marketing bod so he loves a good game of buzzword bingo.