The Battle of the British Bantamweight Bruisers

What happens when you take the best light weight, track honed, British small volume road cars, hire a track and ring the bell? Well, if the two marques present are BAC and Ariel, you get some of the best camaraderie and fun on the planet.

Picture by Marek

A sunny and glorious Anglesey played host to a two day private track session, arranged by our very own @ian-g and his counterpart over at the BAC Monomaniacals, the debonair RobinK. Exclusive use of this amazing coastal circuit gave the intrepid pilots unparalleled track time, which some put to use in shaving tenths of their already blistering pace (not looking at you Tom) will others enjoyed the relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Picture by Marek

What did you miss? Two days of Nomads, Monos, Ariels and assorted exotica being driven just for the hell of it. As ever, driving-god-made-flesh, Sideways Si Clark was on hand to offer ‘words of advice’ which definitely differed from those delivered by that nice young traffic officer encountered on the way home!

Take a look at this two minute highlight reel!

Posted by Steve Wind-Mozley

Steve has ruined many cars over the years, modding them trying to get them to go around circuits quicker. Luckily Ariel did a pretty good job with the Atom, so now he mostly makes excuses about why he is not faster. He's a tech marketing bod so he loves a good game of buzzword bingo.