Its often said that driving your Ariel on track is like visiting another planet – it’s an experience that is is other-worldly and not much else on Planet Earth can come close. And now with the weather warming up in the northern hemisphere, many of our members are fettling their cars, ready for a season of exciting track action.

For some intrepid members, the season has already started, with a good number of track sessions attended. Here is a handy link to our Track Day Calendar thread over on the forum.
Go here:
Track time is more fun with other Nomad and Atom owners, so if you fancy taking part in some track days, check out who is going where and when. Please feel free to add track days you are planning on attending if you’d like to see some ‘molecules’ hurtling around.

This year the Club will be taking over Castle Combe once again for an exclusive, Ariel Club only, day, complete with factory support and much more besides. The date to put in your diaries is 1st October, 2024. More details will follow shortly, but this day promises high quality track time in a brilliant atmosphere. It will be simply out of this world!