DATE CHANGE – due to some ‘operational issues’ we have had to push this run back a couple of weeks!
As we know, London can get pretty busy at times, with the average speed of road traffic often struggling to get above 7mph! That probably doesn’t make it sound too appealing to Ariel owners, but we do like a challenge.
So, why not join us on Sunday 12th June for the return of the:
Dawn Raid on London (definitely no getting lost involved, at all)
Sir Nick
Head over to the forum board and get your name down – but be quick and be prepared for an early doors start (06:00) to avoid the traffic . With more than 20 cars signed up we may get stuck in traffic, but we’ll look damn good while doing so.

Rumour has it that the Queen is looking forward to welcoming us in for a nice cup of tea and that Boris is keen for us to pop by and look at his wall paper. All we know is that it’ll be the most Ariels in the Smoke, ever. Be part of it (and don’t forget your A to Z!)
Log on to the the member’s forum board now and get your name down!