Everything from track days, car shows, coffee meets and parties. If there is an Ace, Nomad or Atom going, this is the place to get involved.
Category: Events
Supercar Fest – The Runway 28/29 May 2022
Go here to see how we got on! The Ariel Club has been invited to attend the show and display up to ten cars per day. The club will have a dedicated display area and …
70th Anniversary Meet
Our friends over at the Ariel Owners Motor Cycle Club are celebrating their 70thanniversay at the work famous Ace Cafe in London on the 21st November, 2021. They have kindly invited all Ariel vehicles, two, …
All dressed up and nowhere to go?
As we head into the winter months in Europe, the opportunities to jump into or onto our super practical vehicles, with their heated seats and copious cup holders, plus things like roofs and weather protection, …
Inaugural East England Breakfast Meet: 23 August 2020
Join us for our first East England breakfast meet, taking in some twisty B roads, fast A roads and of course – a pub lunch afterwards. Details on the forum (available to Full Club Members …
Welsh Weekend: 10 to 14 September 2020
Wales has some of the UK’s finest roads and is a frequent Ariel Club destination. After a false start back in May, this year we are targetting the 2nd weekend in September. Join us for …
Salisbury Plains Sand Hoon: 6 September 2020
Following on from last year’s event, we’re looking to make a return visit to explore a little further afield; this time with a proper tour guide and some flare guns! At last, an event where …
What’s on?
Want to know what’s going on in the club? We have a new feature on the Ariel Club forum, where you can see all events listed in one place. This list will be kept up-to-date …
2020 South East Breakfast Meets
On the third Sunday of every month, from April to October, we get up early to drive on some great roads (while they’re empty) and meet up for breakfast. We vary the location each month …