Salisbury Plains Sand Hoon: 6 September 2020

Following on from last year’s event, we’re looking to make a return visit to explore a little further afield; this time with a proper tour guide and some flare guns!

At last, an event where wearing facemasks is recommended for a few reasons…

Follow the plans on the forum (available to Full Club Members only)


It’s not often that we publish post-event pics, but this one arguably warrants it.

If you own an Atom, you may well be used to paying money to do a track day. There are many of them, all over the country. But if you own a Nomad, what do you do to experience the best that these machines have to offer?

Answer: splash some cash, just like the track boys do.

For this trip, 5 Nomad owners took a tour with who laid on a bespoke tour of Salisbury Plain. The tour included gravel tracks, fields, ruts, puddles, squaddies on a training exercise and a few local sights like discarded tanks and ‘the German Village’. All routes were carefully selected to offer the ‘walk around’ option that non 4×4 Land Rovers could endure if required – and the variety was enjoyed by all.

Highly recommended!

Posted by Ariel Club

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