South Wales Car Festival, Sunday 7th May
10:00am till 4:00pm
The Club has been invited to attend the South Wales Car Festival, in aid of St David’s Hospice Care. The show is based at Chepstow Racecourse and will feature a number of club displays ranging from commercial, vintage, supercars and much much more.
There’s be the usual mix of bars, music, entertainment , craft stalls, local produce, but we hear that this year there will be no donuts available in the paddock (you know who you are).
This event is fully booked for exhibitors cars, but as usual, the light weight goodness and exposed frame wonders of the Atom, Ace and Nomad mean that such concerns do not apply to us. We have space for 15 Ariels on the Club stand, so if you fancy a bit of show’n’shine, then drop us a line. But please be quick! Add your paw print here.