Events update

Ever wondered what the best way to stay in loop regarding all of the events the Ariel Club puts on or gets involved in? If you’ve ever suffered FOMO (fear of missing out) on the good stuff, like private track days, dawn raids on city centres, refreshing Sunday Breakfast Blasts and even the odd social, then we have the solution for you!

Simply whip out your communicator device drop us a line with your mobile number, name and forum handle on it, plus the words “please add me to the Events WhatsApp group” and we’ll, well, we’ll add you to the Club’s WhatsApp Event group.

Here there is no chat or flim-flam, no banter or pictures of cute pussy cats, just timely alerts for any new and groovy club event. It’s a great way to stay abreast of developments and to make sure you are in the know.

Head over to the contact us page now and drop us a line. Please don’t forget to add your mobile number, name and handle.

Posted by Steve Wind-Mozley

Steve has ruined many cars over the years, modding them trying to get them to go around circuits quicker. Luckily Ariel did a pretty good job with the Atom, so now he mostly makes excuses about why he is not faster. He's a tech marketing bod so he loves a good game of buzzword bingo.