C@terham - the "other track day" car

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Should the board substitute a different name for certain car models?

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Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

Post by FAST BUCK » Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:27 pm

roll on the summer , and we can stop all these crappy threads!

p.s i still wouldn't consider a crate if Ariel didn't exist

ka mano

...can't get that resonant click of the heels when wearin these racing shoes

Post by ka mano » Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:40 pm

I really wish you wouldn't use the 'C' word so much, Brucsh.  It offends my sensibilities.  And please do make up your mind about how you want the rst of us to spell it, or at least how many times in a single posting the accurate spelling is allowed.  My preference would be no more than three accurate spellings PMPT (per member per thread), though I respect the right of anyone to propose their own idea of an appropriate upper limit.  Once you've taken your decision -- and whenever you change your mind -- with outstrtched hand and open palm, we schall comply!

ka mano

Re: speaking freely and having a little fun!

Post by ka mano » Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:18 pm

[quote="Bruce Fielding"]
[quote="ka mano"]
Again, who is this 'board' who is singling out Caterhams? 

You will note, by the way that you can type Caterhams, Caterhaming, Caterhamed, BloodyCaterham, NarrowCaterham, Anti-FatBoyCaterham and all sorts of other words with impunity!

Driver, please accept my apology as I totally misunderstood what's going on here.  I was over on another thread just now and was amazed to discover that I'm not allowed to write "Caterham."  Like just now, I have been censored.  I don't agree with all your rationale, but I certainly agree that we should be able to type "Caterham" -- there it goes again -- and not have the software convert it against our will.  I thought people were doing it on their own, myself having never typed it before, and was enjoying their game.  Now I realize it's a game imposed on us all and...

I DON'T LIKE IT !!      >:( >:( >:(

I want this censorship to end.  Bruce, I should be able to write Caterham -- errrrgh!! -- "with impunity!"
And I want to see these and all past attempts to write "Caterham"  --   >:(  !!  -- converted back to each author's intended terminology.

John Lloyd

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

Post by John Lloyd » Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:21 pm



Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

Post by FAST BUCK » Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:28 pm

eggs'n'ham  = katerham              bit a cockney for ya


Re: speaking freely and having a little fun!

Post by ross » Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:31 pm

[quote="ka mano"]
Now I realize it's a game imposed on us all and...

I DON'T LIKE IT !!      >:( >:( >:(

I want this censorship to end.  Bruce, I should be able to write "other track car" -- errrrgh!! -- "with impunity!"
And I want to see these and all past attempts to write ""other track car""  --   >:(  !!  -- converted back to each author's intended terminology.

I want never gets mate.  No one's forced you to join the forum.  If you don't like it don't use it.  But certainly please don't issue demands.


John Lloyd

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

Post by John Lloyd » Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:39 pm

Does the all seeing one let us put pictures on here of Katerham's?


Nooooooooo!!!  It wont work  :o  :o  The power of the all seeing one is great.

ka mano

Re: speaking freely and having a little fun!

Post by ka mano » Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:43 pm

[quote="Ross McWilliam"]
[quote="ka mano"]
Now I realize it's a game imposed on us all and...

I DON'T LIKE IT !!      >:( >:( >:(

I want this censorship to end.  Bruce, I should be able to write "other track car" -- errrrgh!! -- "with impunity!"
And I want to see these and all past attempts to write ""other track car""  --   >:(  !!  -- converted back to each author's intended terminology.

I want never gets mate.  No one's forced you to join the forum.  If you don't like it don't use it.  But certainly please don't issue demands.


There's a difference between strongly expressed desires and demands.  Do you really have a problem with someone saying what they want?

Are you saying the only people welcome in this forum have to either like having the name of some car converted for them involuntarily, or, alternately, shut up about it?

Are you, as one of the founders of this forum, telling me I shouldn't post here unless I like your policy of using software to prevent me from using the name of a certain car?

Have you thought through the implications of your remarks to me just now?


Re: speaking freely and having a little fun!

Post by ross » Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:49 pm

[quote="ka mano"]
Are you, as one of the founders of this forum, telling me I shouldn't post here unless I like your policy of using software to prevent me from using the name of a certain car?

No, I'm telling you that if using the forum in the way it's been setup upsets you, you shouldn't use it.  Simple as that - it's your choice.  But please don't make angry demands (because thats certainly how it came across in your previous post), because I don't view that as acceptable.

ka mano

Re: speaking freely and having a little fun!

Post by ka mano » Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:30 pm

[quote="Ross McWilliam"]
[quote="ka mano"]
Are you, as one of the founders of this forum, telling me I shouldn't post here unless I like your policy of using software to prevent me from using the name of a certain car?

No, I'm telling you that if using the forum in the way it's been setup upsets you, you shouldn't use it.  Simple as that - it's your choice.  But please don't make angry demands (because thats certainly how it came across in your previous post), because I don't view that as acceptable.

Why is it you believe I shouldn't use the forum, because you don't like me being upset or because you don't like me expressing it here?  For my part, I don't mind being upset about something I believe to be wrong, so no need to look out for me there.  So far, it's my choice to be upset and still use the forum.  So far, it's your choice to let me... but are you trying to tell me something about that?

I've been reflecting on the word 'demand' and on my previous distinction, and I think you're right.  If a demand is asking for something I don't have a right to ask for, saying I want others' attempts to write ""other track car"" changed back to what they wrote could be beyond the reach of my rights here.  If so, I retract it as I don't want to be making demands.  I still think it's their right to use the word if they want.

Could I please have my own attempts to write ""other track car"" left alone so I can use the word here when I want to?

If not, I will persist in protesting that decision for a while, and then, yes, at a time chosen by either you or me, I will leave.  I don't recall agreeing to this censorship when I joined and feel you should have made that more clear if you're going to reference it now as simply the way the forum's set up.

Yes, I was angry about this and may be again.  Is it my anger you find unacceptable?  Am I supposed to be getting a message that you -- a person with the capacity to ban someone -- finding something unacceptable is significantly different from me finding something unacceptable?  Do I need to know what level of expressed anger you will tolerate if I am to be allowed to remain here?

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Bruce Fielding
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Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

Post by Bruce Fielding » Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:51 pm

Ka - it's easy - if you don't want to join in the joke, just type caterhams with an s. See - it works. The only words that are substituted on this forum are rude ones. As Atom owners, we thought it would be FUN to substitute the caterhams in the posts with something else - as though it was a rude word. We all know what you type - a rose by any other name wouold smell as sweet. We're not stopping you from expressing yourself - we're not deleting the word, just changing it for something I believe most Atom owners think amusing. Every time we see "other track car", we know exactly what you've typed.

If it helps soothe your furrowed brow heres a picture of the very latest one:

[img width=640 height=480]http://www.ultimatecarpage.com/images/large/2140-3.jpg[/img]

Please don't get your knickers in a twist about this. (That's a good English expression you can use). Like I say, it's supposed to be light-hearted.

I think you contribute a great deal to this forum, and it would be a shame to lose your posts. But you must allow us a slightly quirky sense of humour.

I don't believe in censorship - I'm a soft lentil-eating leftie. But I don't think the caterhams problem is censorship. Just a laugh.

edited to comment: Having said all that, it does look sooooooo last centry though, doesn't it? Strange how I used to think it were cool when I were a nipper. Mind you, I used to like Muggins too. Oh, no the forum is changing Morgan too!

(Only kidding!)

You should try typing Eli$e!
Last edited by Bruce Fielding on Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ariel Atom Owners Club founder, based in Central London


Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

Post by FAST BUCK » Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:03 pm

Elise, poor mans Lambo!            lighten up guys
Last edited by FAST BUCK on Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Bruce Fielding
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Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

Post by Bruce Fielding » Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:21 pm

Useless factoid:

The lardy gay lambo is now officially the best selling 'ghini of all time with sales exceeding 3000!
Ariel Atom Owners Club founder, based in Central London


Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

Post by benyeats » Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:03 pm

Actually the Caterrham in that picture looks pretty cool to me.  Before I get flamed obviously not as cool as an Atom and not so cool as I would contort myself to fit in one but not bad


ka mano

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

Post by ka mano » Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:36 am

Bruce --

Thanks for your softening words and, yes, I got the twisted-knicker syndrome and am proceeding to untwist it.  Each time Iâ??ve read it, I have hugely enjoyed watching the game of saying 'the other car.'  But I had thought each instance was another member keeping the joke alive.  Those old postings I smiled at are actually less entertaining now that I know that it's an old joke kept alive by a software program.

Here I thought Driver was trying to enforce a new naming convention, and while I was gigging him about it from a free-speech perspective, I find that he was actually exploring the possibility of you turning that feature off.  I don't care if anybody actually uses the word 'Caterham,' but it's a jolt to have your words taken away from you.

It's interesting how form follows function.  My very protest about free speech brought a response from Ross McWilliam that can't be construed as amusing.  I believe in forums being moderated, and even in banning, and I know different forums have different standards.  I watched with admiration while you showed great patience (read: more than mine) when Satiro came on here clearly to be as disruptive as he could be.  I saw nâ??ary a glint of steel as you expertly defused him. 

Itâ??s been OK in the past here to get angry when it has to do with cars.  I guess I'm learning that if one gets upset with something about the forum, per se, one may not want to express it â?? at least not here -- in an angry way, because a moderator might come on telling you he finds the way you expressed yourself to be unacceptable and that you should just stop using the forum if you find something about it upsetting.

Ross, if you're telling me how you feel as an individual and that my posting made for an unpleasant experience for you, I will, indeed, try to be more mindful and to respect your sense of civility (of course, as a civilian, you can choose not to read this thread if it unsettles you).  It wasn't clear to me that you werenâ??t flashing your badge and writing me a warning.

I can imagine that itâ??s an adjustment for many of the original members of the forum, who may have long known each other over at Piston Heads, to have this influx of enthusiasts, with idiomatic surprises, weird interests, even bizarre quirks, and new sensibilities.  Most of us new arrivals havenâ??t even had a chance yet to get the car, and perhaps that, more than anything, has created a subtle caste distinction.  Though your anticipation of this influx of enthusiasm â?? correct me if Iâ??m wrong here, Bruce â?? was part of the impetus for creating an Atom-dedicated forum, itâ??s not lost on me that some may find a little hollerinâ?? in the Clubhouse a bit unnerving.  I do, too.  Iâ??ve found itâ??s different, though, when itâ??s your own ox thatâ??s gored.

P.S.  Bruce, you could have at least found an uglier picture of one of those things called Caterhams.  That couldn't have been too hard!

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