A Complex Relationship!

A country specific area to gas about the AmericAtom
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A Complex Relationship!

Post by Atombda » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:24 am

Greetings to all and may I wish everyone a very Happy New Year.

I discovered the 'Atom Club Forum' a couple of weeks ago and have just activated my membership.

For many years I have been a lover of the Caterham 7 as the purest form of the 'performance driving experience' and then Jeremy Clarkson came along and re-wrote the definition of 'performance!' with the Ariel Atom. I must confess from that moment I have been smitten. By no means have I forgotten my first love (the Caterham) it's more that Angelina Jolie just walked into the room and looked longingly in my direction! Let's just call it a serious challenge to a long term relationship!

So, as I say, I am smitten.

To consummate this new relationship is harder than you may imagine for the simple reason that I live on a tiny island in the North Atlantic Ocean with a total land area of only 21 square miles and speed limit of 20 mph!! Aside from the blanket speed limit there are strict import restrictions on vehicles that are capable of anything approaching 'modest performance' so the Ariel Atom will never be an option. To satisfy my lust I need to travel to the nearest landmass (USA) and indulge myself in ‘Driving Experiences’ for a few days each year. So, as you see, a long term relationship with my new love is complex to say the least.

I am searching for a suitable location (preferably) in the eastern US states where we can be together for a few days every now and then? Advice and information from those of you who have more experience in the complexities of this type of relationship would be greatly appreciated.



Re: A Complex Relationship!

Post by capblaster » Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:31 am

TMI (factory) will be offering the Atom Experience in Virginia throughout 2011. These are basically Ariel Atom rental track days. If you really want more excitement, contact them about the Spec Racing Atom series for 2011.


Re: A Complex Relationship!

Post by atomathics » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:30 am

Yep, sounds like the Spec Racer might be something for you to look into.  More discussion here:

http://forum.atomclub.com/https://atomc ... ic.php?t=0


Re: A Complex Relationship!

Post by WorkingOnIt » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:46 am

and TMI AutoTech links:

Ariel Atom Experience

Spec Racing


Re: A Complex Relationship!

Post by Wmcmanus » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:51 am

Yup, you're a Spec Racer if there ever was one!  Won't be cheap (considering flight costs and such), but would definitely be worth looking into.  I'd do it myself if I didn't already own a street legal Atom.  

My situation is not a lot unlike your's, actually.  I live in Grand Cayman where the speed limit is 40 mph or less in most places and 50 mph at max.  Although I probably could import an Atom to Cayman, there would be a 40% import duty.  Registration and insurance would also be difficult hurdles, although I think insurance would be the most difficult challenge since none of the local providers would touch it...

My solution was to buy an Atom and keep it in the US.  I've since bought a motorhome and spend several months each summer traveling with the Atom in tow (in an enclosed trailer).  But I'm fortunate in the sense that most of the work I do can be done from anywhere.  

If my travel time was more restricted, the Spec Racing series would be perfect.  You fly in, you track the beast all weekend long, and then you fly out.

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