
Factory EXCLUSIVE Track Day Experience

In celebration of all things that are #SeriousFun, we are delighted to announce a Members Only, Very Limited, Special Event, coming to a race track near you* this October. Ariel Motor Company are running a

The journey from 245 to 350

The #BananAtom has now done 3 track days a couple of road runs since the 3.5R conversion was completed and impressions are good. FA quick reminder – I specced my 2018 K20 as a normally

No time like track time

For many of us, the weather has become a little warmer and the track season has begun. Head over to the Club’s forum boards here to see what members have got planned and get

Angelsey Track Attack

Atom vs Mono Track Attack

The concept was simple; assemble some of the best driver’s cars on the planet at one of the best race circuits in the UK and invite the most skilled pilots possible for 2 days of

Dawn Raid 2022

We took off ahead of the sun and mustered at the rendezvous in London’s Hyde Park at 06:00. The sun was still climbing above the horizon as 11 Ariels and 1 Nomad rolled out of

Simply Super or Happily Hyper?

Are Atoms and Nomads supercars? We know that they are pretty intense and very exciting – capable of generating the ‘tingle’ at 50 paces, but are they ‘supercars’? To find out, the Ariel Club grabbed

Pistonheads Atom 3/3.5 Buyer’s Guide

Those fine fellows over at Pistonheads have put together a new buyers guide for the Atom 3/3.5. It is actually pretty good, with only a few inaccuracies. If you are in the market for the

What a ray of sunshine

By way of a quick recap – my 2018 K20 Atom 3.5 is slowly being upgraded to 3.5R spec. The current project is getting it rolling on a staggered set of Dymags. A suitable set


Storm the Castle!

Wednesday May 31st – last few spaces left – Only £260 per car – unrivalled track time! Castle Combe, UK Atoms and Nomads are designed to make you smile whatever the road, trail or weather.

Collecting Cars Bicester Heritage Meet

We’ve been invited to participate in a club display at the forthcoming Collection Cars event at Bicester Heritage on September 11th. The organisers (including one Chris ‘Monkey’ Harris) are looking to have over 1000 cars

Nomad Rally Day

What’s more fun than a Nomad? A bunch of Nomads hooning around a private rally stage! Club member and our official Nomad Wrangler, Olnorth, has booked Sweet Lamb Rally Stage for Saturday 27th August. Check

How many Ariels can you fit into a city?

DATE CHANGE – due to some ‘operational issues’ we have had to push this run back a couple of weeks! As we know, London can get pretty busy at times, with the average speed of

Sun’s out, guns out

OK, so depending on your given location, the time and the fickleness of the weather, the sun may not actually be out, and your ‘guns’ may well be staying properly clad in some quality Ariel.Club

Spring has sprung!

The plan was simple: meet up and head down to Winchester Auto Barn for the first cars’n’coffee breakfast bash of the season. First rally point was at the trusty Tott’s Hill Services on the A34

Hendy Performance Open Day July 24th Thruxton Circuit

Hendy Performance have teamed up with Thruxton Circuit to host an action packed Open Day and we have secured an Ariel Stand that will allow us to display our cars and take part in the

Goodwood Breakfast Club: 5th June

What could be better than a great British Fry Up for breakfast? A bracing dash through the beautiful South Downs countryside, hanging onto the exhaust pipe of the Ariel in front of you, followed by

What are you into?