Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please


Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by AtomMadStew » Tue May 12, 2009 7:32 pm

official statement by ferrari



Maranello 12 May 2009 â?? Ferrariâ??s Board of Directors, chaired by Luca di Montezemolo, today analysed the first quarter results for 2009. Despite the current international economic climate, which has hit the automotive sector in particular, Ferrariâ??s figures were in line with the record levels reached in 2008.

Turnover for the first three months was 441 million euro compared to 455.7 million euro over the same period in 2008. The first quarter closed with a trading profit of 54 million euro compared to last yearâ??s 59 million euro.

These results reflect the introduction of new models, in particular the success of the Ferrari California and the Scuderia Spider 16M, the constant growth in activities linked to the brand (e-commerce, licensing, merchandising and retail) and the companyâ??s continuing efforts to maximise efficiency.

The Board of Directors also examined developments related to recent decisions taken by the Federation Internationale de lâ??Automobile during an extraordinary meeting of the World Motor Sport Council on 29 April 2009. Although this meeting was originally called only to examine a disciplinary matter, the decisions taken mean that, for the first time ever in Formula 1, the 2010 season will see the introduction of two different sets of regulations based on arbitrary technical rules and economic parameters.

The Board considers that if this is the regulatory framework for Formula 1 in the future, then the reasons underlying Ferrariâ??s uninterrupted participation in the World Championship over the last 60 years â?? the only constructor to have taken part ever since its inception in 1950 â?? would come to a close.

The Board also expressed its disappointment about the methods adopted by the FIA in taking decisions of such a serious nature and its refusal to effectively reach an understanding with constructors and teams. The rules of governance that have contributed to the development of Formula 1 over the last 25 years have been disregarded, as have the binding contractual obligations between Ferrari and the FIA itself regarding the stability of the regulations. The same rules for all teams, stability of regulations, the continuity of the FOTAâ??s endeavours to methodically and progressively reduce costs, and governance of Formula 1 are the priorities for the future. If these indispensable principles are not respected and if the regulations adopted for 2010 will not change, then Ferrari does not intend to enter its cars in the next Formula 1 World Championship.

Ferrari trusts that its many fans worldwide will understand that this difficult decision is coherent with the Scuderiaâ??s approach to motor sport and to Formula 1 in particular, always seeking to promote its sporting and technical values. The Chairman of the Board of Directors was mandated to evaluate the most suitable ways and methods to protect the companyâ??s interests.

jon b

Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by jon b » Tue May 12, 2009 8:02 pm

I think this is called corporate throwing your toys out of your pram. The fia's car park may look a little less red next year


Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by dp35 » Tue May 12, 2009 9:05 pm

I seriously doubt Ferrari will not compete in F1 next year, or any year.  But I understand their frustration. 

There's no way the FIA will be able to enforce any budget cap, because they'll never be capable of tracing every dollar/pound/euro spent by every team.  Because of that, the new or smaller teams will be able to cheat the budget cap, while large established teams like Ferrari could never pretend they only spend X amount on F1. 

The other thing I hate about the proposed budget cap is that it will create a class within a class.  F1 should be a single class, with every car competing under the exact same set of rules. 

Who knows, it might be good for both sides if Ferrari took some time off from F1.  I'd love to see the Scuderia put their full effort into a LeMans effort, especially if they entered the ALMS. 


Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by nickpoore » Wed May 13, 2009 12:32 am

Don't worry...

FIA (Ferrari International Assistance) will be sure to step up to help.

I bet we wouldn't be having this conversation if they'd been able to get some more points in this year's F1...


Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by fiestycolumbian » Wed May 13, 2009 3:32 am

I dont think Ferrari will leave either.
I think its the same with RedBull, Toyota, Renault, etc..., they all are posturing to get rid of this 2 class system. I dont think its so much the 40M technology cap, its the 2 tier system the FIA are trying to create. I think all the teams want F1 to be cheaper.

I just hate the way the FIA just tries to shove rules down the throat of the teams. Ask the teams for godsakes!! They are the "franchises" that make F1, F1.



Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by maverick1 » Wed May 13, 2009 5:51 am

I think that this years F1 races have been more exciting overall. I just think that Ferrari is doing so poorly that they are just spoiled sports.
Grow up Ferrari. If you can't handle the competition, get out of the kitchen.
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Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by AlanP » Wed May 13, 2009 6:09 am

Well Toyota have said the same as Ferrari, they need to sign by the end of May for next year. Brinkmanship.

My bet is that the poisoned dwarf and the Nazi release some bullshit statement that fudges the whole thing and allows Ferrari and Toyota back in. Wouldn't put a lot on it though, could go either way!

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Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by wasp » Wed May 13, 2009 8:28 am

Sometimes the politics make F1 a bit more interesting but as a rule all we want to see is the best drivers driving the best cars on a relatively equal basis.
There can be no doubt that a budget cap of sensible proportions fazed in over a couple of years so that the larger teams can downsize smoothly is the way forward. This needs to be coupled with much more engineering freedom so that F1 maintains its position as the pinacle of motorsport.
The BBC were showing some classic races from Spain on the red button on Sunday morning and it was great seeing Senna, Prost & Mansell really fighting hard with no inteference from over zealous stewards. Tyre wear was a massive issue to the point where a pit stop could be regained in 6 laps. After the race in which Senna beat Nigel by a whisker all 3 of the above sat having a nice chat with Murray. There were no watches on show, no oscar speech with a list of people to thank, just Nigel basically saying, "I'll get you next time sonny!"
I really love the level of coverage we have now but wouldn't it be nice to be able to just focus on brilliant drivers driving their bo**ocks off?
Atom 4, Gr Yaris


Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by wisp » Wed May 13, 2009 8:46 am

My bet is that the poisoned dwarf and the Nazi release some bullshit statement that fudges the whole thing and allows Ferrari and Toyota back in. Wouldn't put a lot on it though, could go either way!


Our news is quoting FIA saying that the sport (F1) will be fine even if Ferrari leaves. Apparently they don't need the red cars.

The other thing I hate about the proposed budget cap is that it will create a class within a class.  F1 should be a single class, with every car competing under the exact same set of rules. 


There's already a series like that. It's called A1GP. But judging by the posts on this forum it's of little interest to most people. Oh, and they not only have the same rules but have the same breed of cars with the same engine. Guess who...

So what do sports car manufactures need need motor racing for? Brand promotion? Testing and development.
Buy our new Ferrari, the car choice of the World Cup of Motorsport, with the latest technology developed from A1GP racing

Maybe the accountants work sheet looks.... F1 + A1GP or F1 + A1GP or F1 + A1GP or F1 + A1GP


Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by benyeats » Wed May 13, 2009 8:55 am

There's already a series like that. It's called A1GP. But judging by the posts on this forum it's of little interest to most people. Oh, and they not only have the same rules but have the same breed of cars with the same engine. Guess who...


Having identical cars is not the same as having the same set of rules.  How the different teams work within those rules is part of what makes F1 exciting.


Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by wisp » Wed May 13, 2009 9:35 am

Having identical cars is not the same as having the same set of rules.  How the different teams work within those rules is part of what makes F1 exciting.

No... Your joking right? I though it was the same.  :doh:                          ;)

And having different teams work within those rules as well with the the same machinery is what? Boring?

Not my point anyway. I was just stating that level playing motorsport competition already exist. Another example is karting.

The point was that Ferrari does not need to continue in F1 for the reasons than most companies enter the sport. They already have a series where the winner is always powered by a prancing horse.

DFext37 Fielding

Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by DFext37 Fielding » Wed May 13, 2009 11:11 am

Please go, Torro Rosso and Force India will move up i row on the grid.

It does not make a difference if they go, F1 USA are in next year and 99.9% confirmed is Jean Alesi team and poss Prodirve.


Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by benyeats » Wed May 13, 2009 11:12 am

Having identical cars is not the same as having the same set of rules.  How the different teams work within those rules is part of what makes F1 exciting.

No... Your joking right? I though it was the same.  :doh:                           ;)

And having different teams work within those rules as well with the the same machinery is what? Boring?

Not my point anyway. I was just stating that level playing motorsport competition already exist. Another example is karting.

The point was that Ferrari does not need to continue in F1 for the reasons than most companies enter the sport. They already have a series where the winner is always powered by a prancing horse.


A1 GP in terms of marketing potential means nothing to Ferrari relative to F1, as you point out most on this forum who are largely motorsport enthusiasts don't car about A1GP either.

However Mitsubishi withdrew from the WRC years ago and their EVO models are still inexorably linked to the sport thanks to this heritage, Ferrari could certainly trade off its F1 heritage for years to come but to suggest A1 GP would be a replacement is not correct.



Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by wisp » Wed May 13, 2009 12:31 pm

I'll say it again....  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:

My mention of A1GP was to do with LEVEL playing fields.  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:
(What's more it does not make the sport boring, far from it.)

Show me where I say it is a replacement for F1. To replace something you take something away and add something else in it's place. How can A1 or F1 be a replacement when Ferrari are already involved in both.

But as a result of being in A1 they could say we are still involve in racing should they pull out of F1. Or as I suggested (....or F1 + A1GP) they could pull out of both, apart from the costs of breaking any contracts.

You are quite right about trading of their heritage. Many a successful company has done that for years after they ceased racing. For example..  ::) hmm .. Jaguar.


Re: Ferrari's departure from F1? surely not..............your thoughts please

Post by benyeats » Wed May 13, 2009 1:20 pm

I'll say it again....  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:

My mention of A1GP was to do with LEVEL playing fields.  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:
(What's more it does not make the sport boring, far from it.)

Show me where I say it is a replacement for F1. To replace something you take something away and add something else in it's place. How can A1 or F1 be a replacement when Ferrari are already involved in both.

But as a result of being in A1 they could say we are still involve in racing should they pull out of F1. Or as I suggested (....or F1 + A1GP) they could pull out of both, apart from the costs of breaking any contracts.

You are quite right about trading of their heritage. Many a successful company has done that for years after they ceased racing. For example..  ::) hmm .. Jaguar.


But you are suggesting that Ferrari don't need F1 as they have the A1GP engine supply contract as if those two are even remotely comparable. 

I know you were not saying the series are equivalent but you seemed to be saying Ferrari could gain similar prestige / marketing advantage from either which is not the case.

There are loads of motorsports with level playing fields but they don't tend to genarate the level of interest that F1 does, why is that ?


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