Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Tips and useful information relating specifically to the use of the forum.

Should posts to these boards count towards user's total 'post count'?

Poll runs till Sun Jul 09, 2045 4:58 pm
You may select 1 option

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DFext37 Fielding

Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by DFext37 Fielding » Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:16 pm

Ross can the software be able to do something that shows the most reccent post for each board?


Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by ross » Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:26 pm

It doesn't have that specific feature I'm afraid Dext.

Dave Fellows

Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by Dave Fellows » Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:26 pm

[quote="Captain Atom (Mark)"]
The only thing that bugs me about the Games/Jokes etc thread is when I look to see recent posts, sometimes it is just full of Games/Jokes and I may miss a Atom related post which could be useful or interesting. The 1st section I look at is the recent posts.
Yep, this is the exact problem that I have. Otherwise I wouldn't give a monkey's.

jon b

Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by jon b » Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:03 pm

[quote="Dave Fellows"]
[quote="Captain Atom (Mark)"]
The only thing that bugs me about the Games/Jokes etc thread is when I look to see recent posts, sometimes it is just full of Games/Jokes and I may miss a Atom related post which could be useful or interesting. The 1st section I look at is the recent posts.
Yep, this is the exact problem that I have. Otherwise I wouldn't give a monkey's.

This was one of my main points when i started the original thread

John Lloyd

Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by John Lloyd » Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:54 pm

[quote="Ross McWilliam"]
All I mean here John is this....think about it from a prospective Atom owner's view - they come to the forum looking for advice about the Atom, by looking at other users' posts and post counts they can get an immediate idea about the 'quality' of the information they get back.  It's no big deal, I'm not trying to make out that anyone is actually better than anyone else, it's just the way forums work.

I recently joined the Porsche DDK forums and posted a few questions on there - within just a few minutes I could gauge whose advice I could rely on.

I don't know why you take this stuff so personally John and I'm sorry that you have to resort to verbal abuse over something so petty.  But if that's how you feel, then fair enough.  As it happens I think you're a nice guy and wouldn't slag you off to your face, on the forum or via email.

Cheers, Ross.

I apologize for being rude, but as I said the thread is making me angry.  There is a wide and diverse forum membership.  We all contribute.  Some of you do not want to see these posts not that you don't want them to count.  (I too would like to "hide" some boards in this way.)  So your action of turning off the post count does not achieve what you want that's why I am so angry.  You are missing the point as to why people post it's for a bit of fun.  You're making them angry and not achieving what you want.  I think the Americans would call that a lose / lose situation.
Last edited by John Lloyd on Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by Alec » Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:58 pm

What's the point of this poll?

You've already switched the post counts off a couple of days ago so this is just another thread that's the same as the ones you don't like.  :doh:

Atom 245, (Atom 160 - SOLD), Yamaha XVZ1300 Royal Star, Ford Sierra 4X4 Ghia Estate, Skoda Octavia vRS Estate, VW Golf 2.0 TSI GTI (Nadine's)


Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by ross » Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:05 pm

I agree, this poll was only in response to John's complaint.  I really don't see what all the fuss is about myself.

Dave Fellows

Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by Dave Fellows » Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:22 pm

Neither. Bit of a storm in a teacup really.


Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by AtomFun » Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:31 pm

[quote="Dave Fellows"]
Neither. Bit of a storm in a teacup really.

Yeah! Lezbefriends  :tu:


Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by wisp » Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:11 pm

[quote="Dext37 Fielding"]
Ross can the software be able to do something that shows the most reccent post for each board?
[quote="Ross McWilliam"]
It doesn't have that specific feature I'm afraid Dext.

Isn't that what the far right-hand column displays? The last post in each board.


Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by wisp » Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:22 pm

The problem is the software. Even if you remove topics for your list of "Current Topic Notifications" they still generate emails and appear in your "Updated Topics" list. I doubt turning of the post counts will resolve anything.

When you get an email notification there is a link in it which, if you follow it, it gives you the choice to turn the notification off.

With this method you no longer get an email for that specific topic but you have to do it for each one individually as they arrive.

I've finally (I hope) gotten rid of all my email notifications as it was clogging up my email account.

Alec, I'm fully aware of the link you mentioned. I was talking about topics for which notification had been cancelled that are still appearing in the 'Show unread posts since last visit' list.
Go to notifications, in your profile, and you'll see what I mean about being able to cancel individual topics. You can also turn ALL email notification off there. It's what I did as my inbox was like yours. I now get no emails (with links) about topics but still get email notification of PMs, albeit sometimes very delayed.

John Lloyd

Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by John Lloyd » Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:52 pm

What the poll proves and I wish I could find the rude quotes from Jonb, is that those who post to the threads on the board under question are not doing it for their overall post count.

Did I mention we won the rugby and Australia and NZ are out.  ;D


Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by Wmcmanus » Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:10 am

[quote="John Lloyd"]
Did I mention we won the rugby and Australia and NZ are out.  ;D

No, I didn't realize that!  Do you think there is enough room on the plane to take both of those Southern Hemisphere teams home?  :D

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Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by Alec » Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:42 am

The problem is the software. Even if you remove topics for your list of "Current Topic Notifications" they still generate emails and appear in your "Updated Topics" list. I doubt turning of the post counts will resolve anything.

When you get an email notification there is a link in it which, if you follow it, it gives you the choice to turn the notification off.

With this method you no longer get an email for that specific topic but you have to do it for each one individually as they arrive.

I've finally (I hope) gotten rid of all my email notifications as it was clogging up my email account.

Alec, I'm fully aware of the link you mentioned. I was talking about topics for which notification had been cancelled that are still appearing in the 'Show unread posts since last visit' list.
Go to notifications, in your profile, and you'll see what I mean about being able to cancel individual topics. You can also turn ALL email notification off there. It's what I did as my inbox was like yours. I now get no emails (with links) about topics but still get email notification of PMs, albeit sometimes very delayed.


I had done that but a few very old topics were resurected by a late post and I still received email notifications which I had to stop using the method I quoted.
Atom 245, (Atom 160 - SOLD), Yamaha XVZ1300 Royal Star, Ford Sierra 4X4 Ghia Estate, Skoda Octavia vRS Estate, VW Golf 2.0 TSI GTI (Nadine's)

John Lloyd

Re: Daft Games and Jokes - count posts? A poll

Post by John Lloyd » Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:54 am

What is quite amusing is that you may have stopped individuals clocking up post counts, but in the one area even I might have agreed that posts should not count ie when looking at the stats for the top 10 most posted and most viewed (you really want to see car threads here) the post count still keeps clocking up! :D  :D

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