Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

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Flying Phil

Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by Flying Phil » Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:13 pm

Looks like Jeremy has been punted. Any future for Top Gear?

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by smokin » Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:24 pm

If they can swap out Charlie then anything's possible when there's that much money involved
Atom 2 300, Ginetta G40 GT5 - UK


Re: Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by FlyingTrotter » Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:34 pm

The statement is interesting as was the door stepping of May

- contract not being renewed it's not describe as a sacking
- they want to find a way to broadcast the last 3 episodes
- May refers to the 3 being a package
- Beeb said to be continuing with TG which suggest a new team and perhaps a new format
- not heard any statements or comments from folk close to the main producer Wilman

All looks like Clarkson will realise he messed up badly - intentionally offending to attract media and raise profile is one thing - what appears to have been accepted as the facts isn't acceptable behaviour now if it was 20 years ago

If he's keen to make further motoring based programmes he will need to retain the industries goodwill so can't see top footage being wasted as they pressumably had a LeF, 918 P1 test lined up and more for the season finale

Hard to see how they will re format TG and make it so successful but I think they will try and I would expect JC and crew to create something different again on NetFlix, Sky or ITV

I would be surprised if JC and Wilman have not been working on a reformatting of TG for some time

Who do the Beeb wheel out - hard to see - do they try a format that has another trio including a frontman, a woman and a former driver ? Too like 5th gear perhaps - I don't know but they have said they are retaining the rights and will relaunch TG

Flying Phil

Re: Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by Flying Phil » Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:02 pm

I would hate to see this split up the threesome.TG would survive the loss of May, or maybe even Hammond, but Clarkson...doubtful. A bit academic now, or course. I do hope they recognize the value in each other and as a unit. If they can lure Wilman over to another broadcaster as well...this show has significant inertia and this event could be just a bump in the road.
JC needs to be a bit smarter about this. Being close to the line is what makes the show fun, and, as they say, you only know where the line is by a brief foray to the other side. But JC has been doing this a while now, and he's no longer 20ish, so he knows what the limit is. Looking forward to the first 'Final Drive' show. ::)

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by Hedge » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:53 am

According to the statement he assaulted that guy for 30 seconds - before being physically pulled off him. Doesn't anyone see the gravitas of that? One punch is bad - not least given the reasons behind why he did what he did - but half a minute?

Count it out; it's quite a lot of time to be punching/ kicking someone. And all because he couldn't have steak & chips. Really?

I find the whole worshiping of "JC" incredulous. Even the PM is espousing what a talent he is. If you or I or pretty much anyone landed into someone for that length of time, we'd be toast - end of. Doesn't matter who you are - & nor should it.

I'd love the Old Bill to investigate it further but I doubt the victim shall give evidence.



Re: Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by FlyingTrotter » Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:23 am

I would not downplay the seriousness and my reference in an earlier post was to accept that

There is an interesting article in today's Telegraph that looks forward - current programme was 13 oyears od in format and had evolved into what many saw as a circus albeit one watched by a large audience in the UK and internationally and importantly many from a demographic the Beeb struggles to reach in the UK

Having bought the rights form JC/Wilman the Beeb is faced with accepting that in truth it bought JC and his circus act and with him now gone they must now write off that investment and reformat/ reinvent

Perhaps a daft example but like they did with Countryfile and very many other long running shows that they changed to relaunch

So I suspect talk of any "tribute act" clarkson type replacements is off the mark and they will go for a different approach and therefore leave JC and co free to create a new show elsewhere that is also a little different but by reason of the presenters closer to the original

It won't appeal to most of viewing public and many on here (if many is the right phrase for such a small forum) but it's likely to "sell" adequately to make a very rich man richer
Last edited by FlyingTrotter on Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by Hedge » Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:28 am

I wasn't for one moment targeting you, Ian, with reference to how I see people dumbing down the seriousness of the assault.

If one scours the reactions to this, I'd estimate 90% of them concern something other than the assault itself. It's that what baffles me. The whole God-like status he's been accredited with is utterly irrelevant, given what he did.

And I do/ did like some of the stuff he/ they have done. The Vietnam piece, for instance, was ace. But to smash the crap out of someone because they won't/ can't serve you hot food? Jeez..

Cheers, Hedge


Re: Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by wattie » Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:40 pm

Top Gear to me represents the three of them, so I can't see it continuing or as being so entertaining without JC.

Mrs (and me) used to watch Fashion Police with Joan Rivers.....have you seen it without her- awful.

Jc was a unique talent and the show was built around him with the others complementing- as a recipe the whole thing worked.

Pity he lost the plot and if he did the things he was accused of then he deserves to be punished. I hope he didn't and t that the 3 move on and do another car show.

cheers Wattie

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by GraemeW » Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:34 pm

Me thinks this is his way of avoiding having to change his name by deed poll to Jennifer if he looses the porsche 918 bet

Flying Phil

Re: Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by Flying Phil » Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:23 pm

"if he did the things he was accused of then he deserves to be punished."

Couldn't agree more...also looks like he dodged a bullet with the police, as the producer concerned isn't going to press charges. This might be the perfect opportunity for him to 'refresh the brand'...lose some weight, get some exercise, quit smoking, quit drinking, brush his teeth...aagh, who am I kidding...!


Re: Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by wattie » Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:03 pm

Nowadays the police can pursue a case even if the victim doesn't want to!

Cheers Wattie


Re: Jeremy Clarkson...good, bad, who cares...?

Post by meladdo » Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:01 pm

Nowadays the police can pursue a case even if the victim doesn't want to!

Cheers Wattie

O no Wattie - Have you been out in the smugglers......

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