Hello. Is this a crazy idea?

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Hello. Is this a crazy idea?

Post by NickNJL » Mon Jul 15, 2024 2:04 pm

Hello Ariel enthusiasts
I am hoping you can help me with your experiences please.
I am planning a road trip for next year. Possibly to Dubrovnik or maybe Palermo via Monaco and Amalfi coast.
I am on a budget (around £30k for the car)
Is attempting this in an Atom madness? I was originally looking at the other end of the spectrum with an older AM Vantage. I intend to keep the car after the road trip (a long thought about 50th present to myself). The AMV is horrendously expensive to maintain, albeit insurance is very reasonable, and is now discounted. The Atom is obviously a world away from the home comforts but has been on my bucket list for years. I am average build and height.
Would a 3500 mile round trip over a 7/8 days (once accounting for a few diversions) be utter lunacy?
I would consider myself an average driver. I’ve done a few paid for track days and go karting but not owned anything like an Atom. I would buy the car in good time to be taught how to drive it safely (the accompanied days with Ariel Club look good). Would be used almost exclusively as a summer / weekend car after the trip.
Grateful for thoughts / considerations from existing owners.
Also if anyone has realistic (non-track) running costs for a 245bhp Atom it would be a real help. I can’t seem to find anywhere on the threads / Google. Thanks in advance. Nick

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Re: Hello. Is this a crazy idea?

Post by Fastlane » Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:54 pm

First of all, that sounds like a great trip. The previous owner of my Atom 3 took it from London to Sicily and back and didn't have any issues.

£30k will get you into a good supercharged Atom 2, or a 245 Atom 3. The balance shafts in the engine of the 3 make for a more relaxing drive, so that would be my choice. If you can stretch to £35k that will open up a 3.5 245, or a supercharged 3.

Given your budget and the likely age of any Atom that you are looking at, I would strongly suggest you focus on cars with a full factory service history or if not, then get the factory to check it over thoroughly. A poorly maintained Atom can easily rack up a £5k+ bill.

Atoms are very easy to drive when you are taking it easy - the Civic engine and gearbox help with that, so you don't need any tuition, just take it easy at first.

In terms of running costs, I would budget £1k a year for annual servicing/maintenance, plus petrol at 30mpg. Rear tyres last 5-10k miles depending on how soft the compound is (the Yokohama Advan AD08RS is a good all round tyre for road use) and a lot more for the fronts. Brakes last a long time, but pads can be quite expensive for the Alcons. Insurance can be expensive if you don't have experience with a similar performance car and an Atom will need to be garaged. I pay £360 for 3k miles.

On the Atom 2 and 3, the weak points are the wheel bearings which can last only a few thousand miles and the lower rod ends can also wear in a few thousand miles. Again, I would suggest you get the factory to fully inspect and service any purchase before your trip. They can be booked up months ahead, so bear that in mind too.

There are quite a few people who have done long European in their Atoms with the Ariel Club, so hopefully they will chime in.

Best of luck.
2008 Supercharged Atom 3, Tesla Model 3 Long Range

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Re: Hello. Is this a crazy idea?

Post by Atlarge » Mon Jul 15, 2024 9:10 pm

Sounds like an amazing trip for sure! I’ve done a fair few miles in my atom but would suggest you may need a few days flexibility for a 3.5K opening trip!
The atom is great fun to drive but can be quite demanding on longer drives, I don’t know how long you’d be on the road for day to day but I doubt you’d want to do much more than 5 hours, though it depends a lot on what sort of driving you like and quality of roads. My car doesn’t particularly like traveling in high temps 30C+ but apparently not all cars are the same in that respect, maybe something to be aware of.

Agree with what was said above about running costs, frequent oil changes and a bit o TLC can keep the general running costs down, tire choice can be expensive and difficult (depending where you are) & if everyone could stop buying the A052’s in Europe so I can get them at a normal price, I’d be eternally grateful…. :-)

Almost forgot, rain sucks and storage space is limited even if you are going solo!


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Re: Hello. Is this a crazy idea?

Post by fb.george » Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:49 am

Nick, I’d echo what’s been said 100%. I’ve taken my Atom 3 245 from the UK to Norway, Maranello via Switzerland, Poland and many more long trips and everyone was superb. Just as good is the North of Scotland, where 300 mile days are regular so your timescale is doable, if a bit challenging. Sure you get wet at times and a few aches and pains, but they are over shadowed by the fun and the reaction the car gets.
You’ll become expert at using space. If you trawl the forum, there are many innovative examples of taking your luggage. Not many things go wrong, but at the age of motor you will secure, one thing I’d reinforce is have the factory involved as they know the cars.

Do it and have great fun! All the best

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Re: Hello. Is this a crazy idea?

Post by NickNJL » Tue Jul 16, 2024 4:03 pm

Thank you for the replies. Much appreciated.

I will take a closer look at the daily mileage and length of tour. I don’t want to bite off too much and leave insufficient time. There would be two off us driving because a mate of mine is 50 the same year and is up for a European trip (though the suggestion of the Atom and all of a sudden he’s going all ‘aircon and leather’ on the idea ::) )

I will certainly do my homework on the inventive storage space for luggage because this is a concern. Some good luck and timing to try and avoid the rain, along with a set of waterproofs will be a must.

Next stop will be a conversation with the factory for some advice, and I will keep a lookout for any meetings local to me where I can talk with the owners.
Thanks again for your replies. Grateful for any other advice.

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