Its Been A While

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Its Been A While

Post by dilemma67 » Fri May 18, 2012 9:20 pm

After having an 04 / 220 from 2008 to 2010 its been very difficult not to want to get back in the fold especially with all this amazing weather we're having (yer right). The thing is I'm just not sure if I should go with Atom3 245 or a bit older Atom2 300 for similar money. Sorry if this has already been discussed but would appreciate the feed back as only a novice in the field. Also how much of a difference in performance and ride will these compare to the 220.
Regards Simon ??? ??? :)


Re: Its Been A While

Post by l33haw » Sat May 19, 2012 6:20 am

For me you have two desisions to make there. Atom 2 or 3? And charged or not (oh bugger not that can of worms again).

Here are two threads which may help.,13564.msg245573.html#msg245573,13317.0.html

As this is a forum of opinion, here's mine as I faced the exact same dilemma. I went for the 2 300 as there was a few things about the 2 I prefer, namely solid engine mounts, and no fly-by-wire throttle (plus i wanted a charger). The cable throttle (I'm told) eliminates most of the complaints levelled at the 3 300.

compromises on a 2 over a 3? Rear light bulbs blowing/falling out because of the solid mounts, narrower top chassis rail, in supercharged guise power is slightly down compared to a 3, the adjustable dampers (when speced) on 3s are better, and I'm sure a few other things. But due to the Atoms nature, you can easily upgrade dampers etc over time.

The threads above cover most of this though. The only other question to ask yourself now is wings or no wings.......


Re: Its Been A While

Post by dilemma67 » Sat May 19, 2012 8:24 am

:) :)Thanks 133haw spent the last hour and a half reading through your links and others and think its going to be the 245 for me. Not sure if i've got this right but is there an AA2 245 and an AA3 245 ??? ??? All the points highlighted in the threads and loving the 220 and not being a qualified racing driver (not sure i could handle the jump in power) I think its the sensible choice. Now time to find one  ;D ;D Cant Wait.

Thanks Again


Re: Its Been A While

Post by l33haw » Sat May 19, 2012 9:25 am

Yeah there's a 3 245. Either way you won't regret your choice, hence the passionate debate from both camps that often follows.

All I would say is iv never bought the "im not sure if I could handle too much power" argument. The throttles analogue, just use as much as you are comfortable with  ;)

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Re: Its Been A While

Post by John Scherrer » Sat May 19, 2012 10:01 am

If you've experienced the 220 before Simon, you'll notice a big improvement in vibration and general drivability going to the 245 in both Atom 2 and Atom 3 variants, particularly the latter.

I say 'improvement' but there are 220 owners who wouldn't have it any other way - Bruce for one!
The engine response is a little more racy and the exhaust pops and gurgles more apparently.

Lee - My understanding is that 'some' Atom 3 245 owners (not me) don't like the drive by wire throttle. Mine is fine apart from the revs staying up slightly on lift off, which is meant to be addressed (last Easter?) by an ECU firmware reflash or you can upgrade to the charger.
Atom 3 310 Supercharged (2011), Now Sold


Re: Its Been A While

Post by l33haw » Sat May 19, 2012 10:26 am

I think a lot of it is down to personal preference, and as with anything oponion based, take everyone's comments with a pinch of salt as we are all different.

Best way is to try and get a drive in both variants.


Re: Its Been A While

Post by glyn430 » Sat May 19, 2012 10:34 am

Where are you located Simon, I am sure we could arrange som passenger rides to try and help you make your mind up?


Re: Its Been A While

Post by dilemma67 » Sat May 19, 2012 12:58 pm

Thanks for the feed back. The reason for highliting the concern on power was when I first got the 220 and thought I had a hold on it I lost the back end then over corrected and all a bit of a scary moment. Then learnt to give it a bit more respect and never looked back, so thought 245 was a good step up.
John have you had the lift off problem sorted and was that a common fault. Also is there a noticeable difference having the extra 25 horses.
As for finance I think there worth every penny as brought my old 220 from Tom at £28500 had it for a couple of amazing years and a guy came over from France and sadly took it away for £26500 and for two years of the best fun ever for a couple of grand I dont think you can beat it. Was hoping to find a decent one for similar money but think I'm going to have to dig a little deeper for the upgrade, I'm sure it will be worth it.
I live near Farnham in Surrey and when I first looked at getting involved John LLoyd (not sure if he's still around) very kindly took me out and that was it a month later had the 220 in the garage.
Thanks Again John, Glyn etc
Regards Simon

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Re: Its Been A While

Post by John Scherrer » Sat May 19, 2012 5:23 pm

John have you had the lift off problem sorted and was that a common fault.

No - not heard if the 'fix' is available yet. It's not a big issue and you can drive around it on the road. I imagine on track it's more annoying - you can sometimes hear it on upshifts when watching track videos - it's not always poor clutch/throttle timing ! I think it affects all 3-245 cars with that ECU firmware/mapping.

.. is there a noticeable difference having the extra 25 horses.

I can't comment as I've not driven a 220.
Anyone else with a view?

John LLoyd (not sure if he's still around)

John sold his car in Jan 2011 and hasn't checked in here since Dec 1st 2011 ..
Atom 3 310 Supercharged (2011), Now Sold


Re: Its Been A While

Post by benyeats » Sat May 19, 2012 5:33 pm

[quote="John Scherrer"]

I can't comment as I've not driven a 220.
Anyone else with a view?


The 220 puts out very similar power to the 245 so I don't think there is as much as 25 horses in it.


Re: Its Been A While

Post by dilemma67 » Sun May 20, 2012 9:22 am

That's great will take a trip down to the factory this week. There doesn't seem to be many 245's up for sale, mostly 300's ??? ???. Thanks for answering those points John, and as Iv'e been out of the loop for a while I dont think the differences between the 2 and 3 will really come into it so if i can find a decent one at the right money I think I'll be happy either way. Will let you all know when its on the drive.
Thanks Again

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Re: Its Been A While

Post by John Scherrer » Sun May 20, 2012 9:32 am

There's a nice red 2009 3-245 with 6,000 miles at the factory with adjustable dampers, alcons all round and windscreen - that should do the trick if you could stretch to 34K?
Atom 3 310 Supercharged (2011), Now Sold


Re: Its Been A While

Post by AtomMadStew » Sun May 20, 2012 9:39 am

[quote="John Scherrer"]
There's a nice red 2009 3-245 with 6,000 miles at the factory with adjustable dampers, alcons all round and windscreen - that should do the trick if you could stretch to 34K?

Still cant believe no-one has snapped this up a 3-245 - festidiously looked after and paintshield protection under £32k


Re: Its Been A While

Post by dilemma67 » Sun May 20, 2012 9:56 am

Thanks Guys I have spoken with Tom and I think he might Have something of interest so will let you know. (£34,000 is a bit out of my reach) and the one on PH is not bad but maybe better off getting one from the factory rather than another outfit making there mark up. Also I guess they know the car and will of done all the checks ??? :)


Re: Its Been A While

Post by l33haw » Sun May 20, 2012 10:09 am

[quote="John Scherrer"]
There's a nice red 2009 3-245 with 6,000 miles at the factory with adjustable dampers, alcons all round and windscreen - that should do the trick if you could stretch to 34K?

Still cant believe no-one has snapped this up a 3-245 - festidiously looked after and paintshield protection under £32k

This one on PH is absolutely mint. Plus there's a lot of history of it on here and on PH.,12618.0.html
Last edited by l33haw on Sun May 20, 2012 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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