Registration in Georgia

State specific issues relating to Atom registration with the DMV

Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by Jammer » Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:02 am

And to be recognized, at least in the US, as a legal road going car "manufacturer" do you think the Atom would look the same if it had 5mph bumpers, ABS, airbags and the entire slew of other items that get legislated onto official "manufacturers"?

I for one, don't think so.

Show me in the previous URLs of this topic or the pdf where it says the a newly registered car must have all of those. Other threads have already shown that requirements come down to interpretation.

Besides you cannot tell me that laws have never changed in the USA. Is it not the country where lobbyist are the norm and money, when mentioned with politics, is not a dirty word. ;)

$1M in sales is only 25 Atoms. How much do you think is worth investing to ensure sales of only 1000 ( remembering that is only 20/state). :)

Among all the forum members that can afford this car and that bike, it amazes me how everyone is trying to fiddle the system rather than grow some balls and take it head on. :P


Your funny. :)
Last edited by Jammer on Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

Matt F

Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by Matt F » Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:43 pm

[quote="wisp"]Among all the forum members that can afford this car and that bike, it amazes me how everyone is trying to fiddle the system rather than grow some balls and take it head on. :P[/quote]

What exactly would "taking it head on" look like to you?  And how is it different from what I'm doing?

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Bruce Fielding
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Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by Bruce Fielding » Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:14 pm

Yeah. Right. Take the Federal and State legislatures on... I've always admired optimism...

Alternatively, you could follow that great American tradition and go 'Outlaw'!

What's the worst that can happen? A couple of years jail with Bubba and a crushed Atom. It has to be worth it.
Ariel Atom Owners Club founder, based in Central London


Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by benyeats » Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:38 pm

[quote="Bruce Fielding"]
Alternatively, you could follow that great American tradition and go 'Outlaw'!

Good idea on a documentary about US traffic law I was watching the other night all they had to do was outrun the cops to the county line and they were home and dry with the 'shine intact, or was that the Dukes of Hazzard.



Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by wisp » Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:45 pm

[quote="Matt F"]
[quote="wisp"]Among all the forum members that can afford this car and that bike, it amazes me how everyone is trying to fiddle the system rather than grow some balls and take it head on. :P[/quote]

What exactly would "taking it head on" look like to you?  And how is it different from what I'm doing?
[quote="Bruce Fielding"]
Yeah. Right. Take the Federal and State legislatures on... I've always admired optimism...

Alternatively, you could follow that great American tradition and go 'Outlaw'!

What's the worst that can happen? A couple of years jail with Bubba and a crushed Atom. It has to be worth it.

Sorry, let me rephrase that. IMHO you should be more upfront and try to register as many cars in the states that you can by normal means, rather than try to pass the Atom off as a kit. I also believe that Brammo should be playing a more active roll in assisting legal registration, for their own benefit.
If the state turns around at a later date and decides you have been misleading or underhanded in obtaining your registration, the backlash to many could be quite severe. :(

I take my hat off to cshamma, who IMO has the right idea. :tu: ... l#msg40290

Matt F

Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by Matt F » Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:16 am

Nice re-phrasing, wisp.

cshamma's post misses an essential point.  In Pa, at least, I need a title for a car.  When Brammo issues a VIN, it does not issue a title.  ("Real" car manufacturers who have passed federal EPA and DOT tests can issue title.)  Therefore, there isn't any other option but to apply to the state for a title, through the process defined by the state.  And, again at least in Pa, the process is the same for a fully built car as it is for a kit car, as it is for a semi with a glider kit installed.  Applying for a title is the same, and it's not as if we are trying to pass the Atom off as a kit-car, or any other skirting of the issue.

In other words, and again at least in my state, you simply cannot do it the way you suggest.


Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by Driver » Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:45 am

You could always get a title in another state and then transfer it. Again, a work around that may not be agreeable to most. :(


Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by wisp » Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:45 am

You could always get a title in another state and then transfer it. Again, a work around that may not be agreeable to most. :(

I asked before and was still wondering if this was another solution for Georgia owners?
BTW when would you use an Application for Registration of a Vehicle not Eligible for a Certificate of Title?



Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by 1965Cobra427 » Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:50 pm

Among all the forum members that can afford this car and that bike, it amazes me how everyone is trying to fiddle the system rather than grow some balls and take it head on. :P

I studied the laws, arranged insurance and did all of the steps that are required to register any car here in Arkansas. I was pleasant with the DMV staff and walked out in under an hour with Registration and Tags. Been driving the car in Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma ever since. Does that count?


Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by Driver » Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:00 pm

Just curious how interested Johnny Law  :police: is. How many pull-overs so far Cobra?


Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by toby » Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:44 am

[quote="Bruce Fielding"]
Alternatively, you could follow that great American tradition and go 'Outlaw'!

Good idea on a documentary about US traffic law I was watching the other night all they had to do was outrun the cops to the county line and they were home and dry with the 'shine intact, or was that the Dukes of Hazzard.


Great idea! I'll just drive my Atom (once I get it here) across the county line and I'm home free!
Except... how does the gel coat hold up under 500 feet of ocean water?  My county is Hawaii county, so driving across the county line requires certain aquatic competence. Just wondering if anyone has tried it and whether they the salt film buffed out OK.  ;)


Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by toby » Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:54 am

Has anyone tried registering in Hawaii? Craig Brammscher mentioned he had one other order, but on Oahu (neighboring island). I wonder what this soon to be Atom owner has found out... and whether he/she lurks on this forum. Hawaii registration, as far as I can tell, requires kit car paperwork.

Which leads me to my next questions:
1. Has any American Atom owner successfully registered their Atom for the street any other way than as a kit car?
2. For those of you who have gone the kit car route, did you purchase a self assembly kit?
3. If so, which one:
          a. Owner Installed Drivetrain ($350) - "Atom 2 delivered as a component vehicle with drivetrain not installed..."
          b. Self-Assembly Kit ($150) - "Atom 2 delivered as a component vehicle requiring ... lights, ecu, and steering wheel..."
4. Finally, what state are you in, and what if any trouble did you encounter?



Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by wisp » Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:26 am

Among all the forum members that can afford this car and that bike, it amazes me how everyone is trying to fiddle the system rather than grow some balls and take it head on. :P

I studied the laws, arranged insurance and did all of the steps that are required to register any car here in Arkansas. I was pleasant with the DMV staff and walked out in under an hour with Registration and Tags. Been driving the car in Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma ever since. Does that count?

;D  :tu:


Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by 07Atom » Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:34 am

[quote="wisp"]Among all the forum members that can afford this car and that bike, it amazes me how everyone is trying to fiddle the system rather than grow some balls and take it head on. :P[/quote]

In California, your only option is ordering the components seperately, hooking the car up yourself, and registering it in compliance with kit car laws.  Fiddling with the system would be the opposite.. trying to register the Atom using methods that don't yet exist.  "Growing some balls" would do nothing if you ordered the Atom turn-key for use in California. ::) I mean, I guess it would give you something else to play with while your Atom sits in a garage. :P


Re: Registration in Georgia

Post by 1965Cobra427 » Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:08 am

Just curious how interested Johnny Law  :police: is. How many pull-overs so far Cobra?

Just one. Four cops in two cars pulled me over for not using my signal to change lanes on an open, empty four-lane street in my home town. They were just bored. One checked out my license, registration, etc. while the other three asked the typical "what kind of car is that?", "did you build it?", "how fast is it?" kind of questions. They showed no inclination to challenge the legality of the car.

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