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Atom Superfest

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:31 pm
by Mark Swain
Ladies & Gentlemen:  Start Your Advanced Planning & Preparation!!!
TMI AutoTech is currently initiating advanced planning & preliminary organization for a 2011 Ariel Atom based marathon event at Virginia International Raceway, also our factory home base.

……….an “Atom SuperFest”? (interim reference title only)

We first want to acknowledge and express our appreciation to Randy Lamp for the cooperation & support that he’s already committed to us with respect to the inclusion of ‘AtomFest III’ as part of our overall planned event.  As Randy knows well, owner support and participation is the key ingredient to making such an event successful, including for the organizer(s).  In that regard, while AtomFest I was the type of great initial success that motivated & supported Randy’s AtomFest II efforts, AtomFest II was unfortunately ‘under-attended’, despite his tremendous efforts & unwavering financial & organizational commitments to the event.

We want to be very clear & open with everyone regarding Atom SuperFest, from the outset:  Although this event would obviously be much more of a direct TMI AutoTech factory-sponsored/organized Atom gathering than in the past, it also has to make financial & logistical sense for everyone at the end of the day.  Our objective is to facilitate a very enjoyable, informative & quality event for all participants, void of factory self-promotion, etc., but nonetheless at a net overall break-even cost.  In this regard we’ll commit to an appropriate amount of direct sponsorship/subsidy towards the event; we’ll seek other potential sponsorships & partners for the event (all input/assistance welcome); we’ll seek to obtain the best possible prices & rates as applicable to all event activities; and we’ll then need to appropriately amortize the remaining costs over an individual ‘participation fee’.  There are still many details to be addressed in regards to total event costs but the continuous objective will be to minimize all costs to the most reasonable & practical levels.     

Therefore, it’s our intention to combine our 2nd annual North American Ariel Atom Dealer’s Meeting (closed session) in conjunction with numerous Atom owner/enthusiast event activities, including: ‘AtomFest III’; in-depth TMI factory tour & Atom tech/maintenance/setup sessions;  ‘Ariel Atom Experience’ driving events; Atom-only autocross; Atom skidpad skill tests; team karting endurance race; skeet shooting; optional off-roading; and more??!!.  With typical Atom owner group camaraderie, quality hospitality services, activities/facilities for spouses or significant others & great on-site accommodations, all within the extensive & versatile facilities of VIR (see:, we anticipate a memorable & action-packed time for all participants!  Not only can we all meet & greet but our dealers will be able to join in the “Serious Fun” too! 

The Atom SuperFest owner/enthusiast event activities would be spread over 3 full weekdays (+ dealer meeting day).  It would all take place in late September, 2011 (firm dates – tbd), so make plans now to set aside the time.  We need YOU to join us to make this event a complete success!  We strongly feel that having full North American Atom owner community focus and commitment to a single major gathering in 2011 is the best plan even if geography precludes the possibility of holding such an event in everyone’s ‘back yard’.

We have already determined that we’ll need to get a minimum of 50 North American Atom owner cars (approx. 25%+ of all cars) in order to justify being able to make the various firm, advanced commitments regarding this event; to make it as cost effective as possible for all; and to make it all as worthwhile, enjoyable & memorable as possible for everyone involved.

We recognize that cross-country/cross-border travel & transportation planning + expenses will be potential challenges for at least some portion of North American Atom owners/participants.  However, we think that with almost a full year to initiate such planning and arrangements, and with sufficient levels of interest, commitment & creativity by Atom owners & enthusiasts alike, this min. requirement should be easily realized.  VIR is definitely a ‘destination’ track and well worth the travel/transport effort.  In that regard, we’ll be making special efforts to address the issue of car transport, primarily as applicable to providing a potential alternative for US participants located west of the Mississippi.  But obviously these types of arrangements also have costs certain minimum costs involved.

For all of you who have previously attended one of the prior US AtomFest and/or the UK Atom X events, there’s no need to describe the unique spectacle & excitement associated with large gatherings of Atoms & owners, on-track or otherwise.  We want to make this a particularly memorable event, and we’ll make every possible effort to do so, but it’ll require your interest, your support & your participation!   

We’ll be rolling out specific details regarding the event over the next 3-4 months, via updated AAOC Forum postings and/or direct mailing/email, so please be patient.  As mentioned, there would be a participation fee applicable to the event (TBD by Jan. 15/11), proportionately based on net direct event costs (i.e., less subsidies, sponsorships, discounts, affiliations, etc.).  We’d need to receive non-refundable advanced commitment deposits against the applicable participation fee, not later than March 01, 2011, with non-refundable full payment not later than 90 days prior to the event date.  And we’ll also need to ensure that we’ve achieved the necessary min. car count (by March 1st), in order for us to then be able to confirm that the event is ‘official’.  So, the reality of this action-packed event will also collectively be very much yours to determine.

We look forward to us all realizing the full potential of next Fall’s planned Atom SuperFest event and to seeing you there!  We’ll be in touch again soon.
In the meantime, watch for news of the arrival, testing and official 2011 North American debut of the Atom V8 at TMI!!!

Team TMI AutoTech,
Exclusive North American Manufacturer & Distributor,
Ariel Atom 3 & Ariel Atom V8

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:43 pm
by CalScot
If I start driving east right now, I just might make it in time.

Count me in. :)

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:54 pm
by 1965Cobra427
I am SO in! Already counting the days....

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:54 pm
by Karl
Fantastic! Maybe I will leave the state this time...

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:32 pm
by Bruce Fielding
I read that whole post and no mention of a bar...

Why, oh why, are these things always around my blasted wedding anniversary?

I'd love to come, I look forward to seeing the full menu with relish.

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:43 pm
by silver
[quote="Bruce Fielding"]

I'd love to come, I look forward to seeing the full menu with relish.



Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:45 pm
by charlie1211
I'm in!  See all of you next September, Charles C. of Chicago

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:07 am
by Gage
I will be there, with my own Atom this time.  ;D

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:18 am
by curt
I'm in.  The AAE at VIR is what convinced me I had to own an Atom.  And the 4 hour drive from Northern Virginia makes it an easy decision.

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:51 am
by Upshift
I can assure anyone who hasn't had the pleasure of driving an Atom at VIR, that it is well-worth the effort required to get there!  ;D

The VIR facilities alone are a spectacular sight!  I'm looking forward to coming back in September! 

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:46 am
by dp35
I'll be there if at all possible.  I'm planning on racing less next year, and attending fun events like this one more.  Of course it would be ideal to have my own Atom there, but that might not be possible.  Perhaps a shared arrangement with my car or another will sort itself out.

I'd like to extend a special invitation to whoever that magazine test driver was that called the Atom "scary" at VIR, and said the X-Bow was faster. 

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:54 am
by renesis
I'd like to extend a special invitation to whoever that magazine test driver was that called the Atom "scary" at VIR, and said the X-Bow was faster. 

oh i like that. i like that alot. lol +1 my friend. show him what scary is!
i will be there if my schedule permits. sooner you post a solid date, sooner i can request it off. no pressure, just sayin.

very exciting!

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:15 am
by fiestycolumbian
I will be there in some capacity, with or without my Atom(logistics). If its mid-Sept, then Hamster will be there as well. Looking forward to visiting VIR and TMI. If Atom Superfest is anything like Atom X, I think everyone is in for a big treat!!


Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:53 pm
by Heywood-Yablowme
Good things come to those who wait. ;D    I'm in. Might even bring two Atoms.  Will other marques be allowed to attend,or is this to be strictly Atoms?

Re: Atom Superfest

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:11 pm
by Alec
[quote="MadMaxAtom and company"]
Good things come to those who wait. ;D    I'm in. Might even bring two Atoms.  Will other marques be allowed to attend,or is this to be strictly Atoms?

If you'd like to rent one of them to me then I'll come over for it as well.  ;D