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Re: WCA 3

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:12 pm
by Terry Kennedy
I'd love to attend, but my Atom won't be ready until September 14th. That's when I'm picking it up at Tom Smurzynski's in Oregon.

OTOH, if any of the PNW crowd want to hang out then, that'd be cool. After picking up, I'm heading up to Crater Lake and then east to Yellowstone.

Re: WCA 3

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:45 am
by Karl
Who's getting excited for this? Less than a week now!

Re: WCA 3

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:46 pm
by SaturnV
I, unfortunately, will not be attending after all. Quite a story:

About 3 weeks ago, I registered for Saturday and Sunday at Infineon. Two weeks ago, I received an email informing me that I would "probably" be accepted for both days. "Great", I figured, and planned on coming regardless of whether I was accepted or not. I was looking forward to at least the social events, cruising, maybe some ride-along track time and possible getting my car on-track. Then, it happened.

The Saturday before last (8/27), I started feeling some considerable stomach pain. Nothing too severe, but not something I could ignore either. It got steadily worse during the weekend, so on Monday I went to see my doctor. They took some blood and urine and sent it off to be analyzed. On Tuesday, they called and said I should go get a CT scan in the morning. On Wednesday (8/31) I did just that. About an hour after I got back home the doctor called and said I need to go straight to the emergency room. My appendix was bad and in danger of bursting at any moment. Wednesday evening they took that sucker out. I got home from the hospital on Friday, and am just beginning to feel normal again now. Today was the day that I had planned on leaving for the drive south to California, but instead I will be resting and thinking about what an awesome time I'm going to miss. This sucks.

I really regretted missing last years WCA, and now I'm going to miss this one too. I guess I can look forward to WCA4?

I hope you guys have a great time and all goes well.


Re: WCA 3

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:53 pm
by wattie
You haven't got anything if you don't have your health. One of those things, speedy recovery and there's always next year!
Cheers Wattie

Re: WCA 3

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:01 pm
by payne

I'm with Wattie.  Godspeed on a quick recovery, and glad they caught it before it got ugly!

I'm missing the event too.  I may try to set up another Norcal track and fun day sooner rather than later, so there may be another event on the horizon.


Re: WCA 3

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:57 am
by SaturnV
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.

I'm hoping to feel better for an event coming up at Oregon Raceway Park. It is September 22nd & 23rd, hosted by Proformance Racing School. They put on a great and safe program, and I highly recommend them to anybody who asks. Also, Oregon Raceway Park is absolutely a blast. If you've never been there, you will want to go for both days, as you'll spend the first day just getting comfortable. There are lots of corners and all of them are weird in one way or another (banked, off-camber, blind, descending, etc). There's even blind straights! Having said that, this track is also very safe with very little to run into. Day 2 is a blast.

If I'm feeling better next week, I plan to go ahead and sign up for this one. Hope to see some other Atoms there.

Re: WCA 3

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:13 am
by Thomas
Ouch.  Sorry to hear that.  Hope you feel better soon.


Re: WCA 3

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:03 am
by Karl
Thanks to everyone who came out, it was a real blast! Safe travels home.

Re: WCA 3

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:00 pm
by dp35
It was great to see some old Atom friends & meet some new ones. Although there weren't a lot of Atoms in attendance, a small group of Atom owners is a lot more fun than a large group of anything else. Another reminder of what makes owning this car great.

The highlight for me was when the combined genius of Karl, Fiesty, Hamster, & Thomas couldn't get Fiesty's Formula Renault to start - but then along came Chris with a hammer, and got 'er done. 

Good times as always.

Re: WCA 3

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:38 pm
by Thomas
Really very nice meeting everyone.  Thanks for taking me in - even when engine problems forced me to downgrade. 

Re: WCA 3

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:12 pm
by CalScot
I am really very sad I could not make it.  I even hoped until the last minute I could fly up and at least show up but I was simply not fit enough to make the trip  :'(

Is it too early to organize the next one?  :laugh:    Next year, I do intened to organize an event. It wont be a track focused event, rather it will be a driving trip. A big road trip of sorts. 3-4 nights in nice hotels, nice dinners and good spirited driving. Sort of a "wash the bugs out your teeth with Christal Champagne" type trip. It wont appeal to everyone and it will be limited to 6 cars.

Re: WCA 3

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:50 pm
by Thomas
I am really very sad I could not make it.  I even hoped until the last minute I could fly up and at least show up but I was simply not fit enough to make the trip  :'(

Is it too early to organize the next one?  :laugh:    Next year, I do intened to organize an event. It wont be a track focused event, rather it will be a driving trip. A big road trip of sorts. 3-4 nights in nice hotels, nice dinners and good spirited driving. Sort of a "wash the bugs out your teeth with Christal Champagne" type trip. It wont appeal to everyone and it will be limited to 6 cars.

Gumball without the ego! 

Re: WCA 3

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:11 pm
by CalScot
I am really very sad I could not make it.  I even hoped until the last minute I could fly up and at least show up but I was simply not fit enough to make the trip  :'(

Is it too early to organize the next one?  :laugh:    Next year, I do intened to organize an event. It wont be a track focused event, rather it will be a driving trip. A big road trip of sorts. 3-4 nights in nice hotels, nice dinners and good spirited driving. Sort of a "wash the bugs out your teeth with Christal Champagne" type trip. It wont appeal to everyone and it will be limited to 6 cars.

Gumball without the ego!
No ego's, no roof or heaters either  ;D 

This past 1 1/2 years been the worst in my life as far as health issues go. Lost 2 moms to cancer and I've nearly killed myself twice.  All I want to do is go for a big long run in my Atom, which of course I can't as I can hardly walk and the Atom is a far cry from going anywhere anytime soon. Rather frustrating! Best I can do is dream about being whole again and running up the coast and over the Sierras.

Re: WCA 3

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:49 am
by maverick1
Pete, no doubt you'll be as good as new very soon.
Once I get my car back from the magician who will be transforming it from a measly 228whp to a mighty 360whp turbo beast I'd be glad to drive you up and down the coast. At least it will be closer in feel to your beast.

Re: WCA 3

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:57 am
by fiestycolumbian
Yeah it was great to meet everyone as well! It was great to catch up with Atomgirl, DP35, Karl, Atomatics and Nicholas, and meet new owners like Wayne and Thomas. I agree with DP35, the Atom is as much about the car as it is the friends you make.

Infineon was new to me, but it was a fantastic and very flowing and technical track. Weather was perfect and cool. I prefer this to Laguna...

The caravan with Hamster, Atomatics, and Nicholas was great and made this trip very special!

It was great to see some old Atom friends & meet some new ones. Although there weren't a lot of Atoms in attendance, a small group of Atom owners is a lot more fun than a large group of anything else. Another reminder of what makes owning this car great.

The highlight for me was when the combined genius of Karl, Fiesty, Hamster, & Thomas couldn't get Fiesty's Formula Renault to start - but then along came Chris with a hammer, and got 'er done. 

Good times as always.
Well, we thought of everything and thought, why not give the starter solenoid a light tap. Was extremely relieved the car was able to run after that. Electrical issues one day, clutch issues the next, the FR is one temperamental SOB! On track its perfection, getting it started and rolling off is like going through hell!! Thanks Atomatics and Karl for helping out!

So where will WCA 4 be? Cant wait :)
