Thursday 28 April - BBQ to celebrate my Atom Arriving

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Thursday 28 April - BBQ to celebrate my Atom Arriving

Post by payne » Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:05 am

My Atom will finally be here after 28+ days with the shipper next week (long lame story).  So I'm going to BBQ to celebrate if I can get one or two Atom owners or potential owners to roll over to my place in Menlo Park CA.  I'm pretty central to the 4-5 owners I know in the bay area, so I hope we can get a good turnout.  Weather forecast looks good right now.

I could also arrange a drive in the hills to the West if there is interest, but I don't think my Range Rover on 22s will keep up very well.

I make a mean tri-tip and have good beer.  My girlfriend is vegan so we'll have good not meat options as well.

When: Thursday 28 April
Where: Menlo Park CA - RSVP below and I'll PM you my address and cell
Time: TBD - If you can make it, tell me when is good for you - we'll probably fire up the BBQ around 7-7:30 so people can wait for traffic to die down.
Why:  I finally have my full size Atom paperweight in my garage to sit in and make ring ding noises and pretend that I'm as fast as dp35 :)

I live in a very safe neighborhood and have a small greek restaurant across the street for safe parking for Atoms or DDs.

Significant others and lurkers are welcome too.  Unless you're an asshole.

I'll pick up anyone from the airport as well :)




Re: Thursday 28 April - BBQ to celebrate my Atom Arriving

Post by dp35 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:23 am

I'd be there if I didn't have a prior commitment.

Looking forward to seeing your car, especially once it's running. Also looking forward to some local Atom gatherings this summer.


Re: Thursday 28 April - BBQ to celebrate my Atom Arriving

Post by Thomas » Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:10 pm

Congratulations on your new Atom.  I might be able to make it over for a drink on my way home.  Would love to see your new car, and compare notes.  I can share with you my thoughts after having sat in the car for what will be just about 2-weeks by the time of your BBQ.

Best,  Tom


Re: Thursday 28 April - BBQ to celebrate my Atom Arriving

Post by payne » Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:34 pm

Congratulations on your new Atom.  I might be able to make it over for a drink on my way home.  Would love to see your new car, and compare notes.  I can share with you my thoughts after having sat in the car for what will be just about 2-weeks by the time of your BBQ.

Best,  Tom


PM sent with my address.  Hope to see you Thursday.

Anyone else in the area?


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