Price Reduction!!!!!

A country specific area to gas about the AmericAtom

Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by Gage » Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:59 am

Anybody want to buy a turbo atom?

Darth,    I think the bubble has already burst.    ;)


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by Heywood-Yablowme » Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:00 pm

The only reason Atom prices will fall is if owners sell them for less out of desperation. I watch the used market pretty carefully and I see most of them bringing strong money compared to most exotic cars.
Having the factory advertise "entry level" Atoms at $50k will not help matters,but we shall see how long this offer lasts.
It's not like there is a flood of cheap Chinese Atoms coming to market... :H:


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by DarthChicken » Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:06 pm

Anybody want to buy a turbo atom?

Darth,     I think the bubble has already burst.    ;)

probably right Gage, probably right.  Durn, guess I'll just have to hang on to it  ;D


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by EricHowe » Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:14 am

Come on guys, cut TMI a bit of slack here. To introduce a manufacturing facility for a specialist car is a major commitment. To do it just before the economic climate goes pop is doubly hard.

I suspect that TMI are looking at their order books and trying to stimulate some revenue by bringing in a lower cost version of the Atom. When your back is against the wall then an extra $50K coming in once or twice a month makes a world of difference.

Its easy to sit back and criticise but what would you do? Sure you could give a few cars away to influential people, attend more shows, give away freebies. But it all costs money. When revenue is tight you prioritize expenditure. Staff wages, building rent, insurances, utility bills, loan payments all take priority over advertising. Just keeping the doors open will be an achievement so lets give our support to TMI. They are probably hurting more than most of us at the minute.


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by NormLarson » Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:26 am

Well said Eric!  These ARE tough times and starting a business like they did and then to have this recession just linger ...

Fight the good fight!

Last edited by NormLarson on Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:28 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by Wmcmanus » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:15 am

I've recently visited TMI's facilities at VIR for the first time (at the end of November) where I had them do some minor repair and installation work on my Atom.  They did a fantastic job and actually went beyond the call of duty by adding several nice, unexpected touches.  They've also helped me with parts issues on more than one occasion, always in a fast, efficient, and courteous manner.  I'm grateful that they're willing to continue to service my Brammo Atom 2; it has never looked or run better!  Without them, I'd just have Tom in Oregon and nowhere else to turn because I can't turn a wrench myself and I'm not comfortable in taking that gem of a car to Joe's Garage down the street.

So what can you expect to find at TMI?  Their facilities are top class, they have an outstanding staff of enthusiastic and competent professionals (only 16 employees at this point so they harbor no false pretenses of unrealistic growth), they're led by a passionate, wise, and cost-minded management team who all have a very personal stake in the game, and most importantly, they're 100% committed to the brand.  From what I gather, they have every intention to continue to run their top class operation for years and years to come and don't intend to leave any of us behind.

But they do need to generate sales orders, and I'd imagine, need to badly.  As several folks have said, these are terrible economic times to be operating in, especially for a company that produces and sells luxury goods.  Just look at what has happened to the motorhome industry!  It's completely gutted.  Most of the giants have fallen.  And where would the major US automakers be without the bailouts?  Recessions have always hit certain industries much harder than others.  I think it would be folly to assume that all (or even most) of TMI's revenue generating issues at this point are company specific. 

That's not to say that they couldn't do better, and I'm sure they're busy brainstorming marketing ideas and working any/all potential sales leads every day.  But the reality is, in an extreme buyer's market, you've got to be price competitive, no matter how cleverly you can differentiate your product.  For those who say that this price reduction has depreciated the value of your Atom 2 or Atom 3 by 30% overnight, think again.  The economy had done that already.  My motorhome probably isn't worth half of what I paid for it less than 2 years ago (just months before the bottom dropped out), and it's safe to assume that my Atom has lost a lot of value as well. 

Losing our US-Atom maker would hurt us all a lot more than any price decrease possibly could, and in my opinion, without a price decrease such as what was just announced, that may well have been exactly the path TMI was heading down.  (It would be a completely different situation if we were facing a mild short-term economic downturn, but there is no end in sight to this recession, so you can't rely on the winds of change; you need to make things happen now to generate new business and increase throughput.) 

So let's get behind TMI and wish them our best in their efforts to fight on and to build brand recognition.  May the orders start rolling in!  They're poised and ready, so that's all they really need at this point.
Last edited by Wmcmanus on Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Bruce Fielding
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Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by Bruce Fielding » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:35 am

I recently decided to by another Herman Miller Aeron Chair.

I expected it to cost about £900, but kept seeing them advertised for about half that.

It was only by going into the detail that I realised that all the bits I actually wanted - the clever bits I had on my original chair - had suddenly over time become optional extras, and the chair that I had, with all the options I wanted, was indeed about £900.

Selling a cut down or reduced functionality entry level version of something wonderful is nothing new.

Advertising it as a price reduction was probably a mistake, though.

It never ceases to amaze me that despite there being expertise within the ownership of the Ariel Atom in practically every professional field, including marketing, those who could take advantage of the enthusiasm and expertise rarely do. 

If anyone wants the flyer I designed and wrote, and that was modified for Terry, I think it's still available in the gallery, or on the site somewhere...

I also had some business cards done like top trumps cards. Feel free to steal that idea if you like, TMI. It's very inexpensive to do.

Oh, and I wholeheartedly agree with taking people out on test drives. It's the absolute clincher. However, letting the inexperienced loose in an Atom isn't a very clever idea though.
Ariel Atom Owners Club founder, based in Central London


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by Marcus » Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:23 pm

With business advice generally being worth about what one pays for it...
Then pay for it.
Last edited by Marcus on Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by positron » Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:10 pm

I had no opinion about the pricing as I'm not qualified, however I believe it not wise to question someone's loyalty (patriotism or fidelity for that matter) and the expectation that people who have actually purchased their product to some how be contributory to the problem and should "do more." I figure I paid my fair price, to which I received my contracted product, so without even a free Christmas email, I consider myself even. I feel no obligation to somehow act as an uncompensated agent. We've all answered the unending questions and given the curious ride along.

Those who do not support this product have sold it and moved on. Those here who are left are stanch supporters so I find the audience and timing of lack of support and loyalty to be out of line.


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by Heywood-Yablowme » Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:26 pm

"Those who do not support this product have sold it and moved on. Those here who are left are stanch supporters so I find the audience and timing or lack of support and loyalty to be out of line."

Now there is a line worth quoting!

   ;) :tu:

  I do wish TMIATI the best of futures..and only hope to be of some help in promoting the Atom in the USA. Nothing more to my agenda... :angel:
Last edited by Heywood-Yablowme on Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by silver » Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:45 pm

Come on guys, cut TMI a bit of slack here. To introduce a manufacturing facility for a specialist car is a major commitment. To do it just before the economic climate goes pop is doubly hard.

I suspect that TMI are looking at their order books and trying to stimulate some revenue by bringing in a lower cost version of the Atom. When your back is against the wall then an extra $50K coming in once or twice a month makes a world of difference.

Its easy to sit back and criticise but what would you do? Sure you could give a few cars away to influential people, attend more shows, give away freebies. But it all costs money. When revenue is tight you prioritize expenditure. Staff wages, building rent, insurances, utility bills, loan payments all take priority over advertising. Just keeping the doors open will be an achievement so lets give our support to TMI. They are probably hurting more than most of us at the minute.


Umm he just said "they're not going anywhere" so sounds like things are peechy keen LMFAO....not trying to make light of the situation at or not at TMI, but just in general about how companies follow the same path to destruction every damn time and we can sit back and watch it happen....I really hope this is more of a weird marketing deal then it is an idea for them to generate revenues in order to pay bills.....because it's not the answer.

ps Bruce FFS I completely agree with you ....hath hell frozen over

pps Positron, as usual a great point you make again

ppps Mad....again another good point....if we weren't supporters we would have sold our atoms.
Last edited by silver on Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by CalScot » Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:48 pm

It's such a unique car with a a unique buyer it requires very unique marketing.
Lets think outside the box and come up with a few marketing ideas for TMI. Just for fun ;D

Here's a couple of suggestions:
Get a big car magazine on-board and have them sponsor or participate in an effort to claim the USA's fastest street legal car from 0-100-0. (just like the UK guys) I had test mine and the things all over the web. I'm sure I could get them to jump at this in one phone call.

Get Tanner Foust and Ken Block to compete in a drifting slalom type competition with two Atoms. It would be a web viral hit and get great exposure. My F2000 driver coach is best freinds with Foust and Block. They are desperate to drive my car if I ever get it fixed (soon) but I dont really want thoose nutters beating up my car, but hey, a new 3 for some demo madness would be great exposure

I have plenty other daft ideas but need to go earn a buck and get to my office.

Happy new Year to all my Atomite friends and I wish all of you and TMI a prosperous and fabulous 2010


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by positron » Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:11 pm

Let's not forget Shinno and his tireless efforts AND his plug on Super Cars Exposed.

- silver thanks, that bought you two fewer larger pulley digs. (if you come back with "I should do even more..." you'll never hear the end of it. )  :laugh:


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by DarthChicken » Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:29 pm

Sorry guys, I think product loyalty runs both ways.

I've paid for my car.  I've given the free test rides.  God knows there are enough pictures of my car running around on camera phones.  I've kissed the baby's and shook the veterans hands.  And so far, all I've seen in return is a price reduction to keep themselves in business (don't like it but understand it) and asking for MORE from me otherwise I won't be able to get parts in the future.

How about running a sale on some of the parts we would like to buy?  Current owners, get 10% off panels.  Current owners, here's a owners kit, with 500 business cards and a flag to hang at your track day. 

They've reduced the cars 25%, how about the parts?  I'm looking for a wing package, but I'm not gonna pay $6500 either.

How about answering the damn phone when somebody calls to order something.  Or returning the phone call.  I've talked to more than one member here that has tried to order something, and had to make the extra effort to get TMI to take their money.

Imagine the poor saps that bought the used "experience" cars for the same price as you can buy a new one now.  I bet TMI is laughing their asses off at those guys.  :td:

No, I won't be helping TMI at this point.  Not until I see some effort on their part, to help the current owners out who just took a bloodbath on their resale prices.


Re: Price Reduction!!!!!

Post by silver » Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:57 pm

Let's not forget Shinno and his tireless efforts AND his plug on Super Cars Exposed.

- silver thanks, that bought you two fewer larger pulley digs. (if you come back with "I should do even more..." you'll never hear the end of it. )  :laugh:

fact is you know wayyyyyyyy more about cars than I do, which means I get to play the ignorant devil's advocate role until I teach myself that my ideas are ludicrous.

I actually enjoy the digs....its almost like a good inside joke.....not to take away from your son....but you're like my atom father and I'm your atom are wiser but that doesn't mean I'll do what you say HAHA

best comment so far in this thread is that as a collective group the atom owners most likely include people that have had success in their field....let's face it, we're not slouches, our experiences and opinions are worth paying bad TMI didn't send me any email about the "referral program" they just asked me to talk to the guy...wonder what happens.
Last edited by silver on Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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