Geolandar tread depth

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Re: Geolandar tread depth

by Karl V » Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:11 pm

Ah yes, I forgot they are winter tyres. ... read-depth

Looks like I need to scrub 3mm or 4mm off them by January then to get my money's worth.

Challenge accepted!

Re: Geolandar tread depth

by nfcf » Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:59 pm

The tyres are still legal until the 1.6mm UK minimum requirement as the wear guides are just that - a guide. I suspect the 4mm wear markers will be to cater to the German winter tyre laws and you'll find them on most tyres marked with 3PMSF.

Re: Geolandar tread depth

by phil4 » Mon Jun 24, 2019 5:57 am

I've not seen anything to suggest that offroad tyres are subject to different laws. I think the 1.6mm still stands.

It's clear that every tyres manufacturer recommends 4mm (and not just for offroad tyres), it sounds like your tyres just take the a bit further.

I guess if you want to run them to the legal limit (or close to), you'll find out whether they really suffer offroad.

Geolandar tread depth

by Karl V » Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:17 pm

At around 7,500 miles, I'm getting close to the minimum tread depth indicator on the Geolandar G015 A/T tyres - particularly the rears.

The problem is that these seem to measure minimum tread depth at about 4mm, maybe 5mm.

I get that the 9mm tread depth at new means lots of space to shift mud and slush, but is the tread depth indicator just advisory, assuming the usual 1.6mm legal minimum still applies?

I'm guessing that the tyres may be less effective in mud and grot below the 4mm mark, but they're still legal right? And not invalidating insurance etc.?

Maybe I'll need to SNORN it for the last 2mm (Statutory Not Off Road Notification) and stick to tarmac?
