Greek tragedy!

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Re: Greek tragedy!

by FrankRizzo » Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:30 am

I think the kicker's leg is being warmed up on the sidelines, like a place kicker in the NFL.

All the BS that's going on now is just Kabuki theater.  Everyone knows the can has to be kicked, everyone knows the can WILL be kicked, they're just trying to get THEIRS before the kicking happens. 

OBlamer wants the can kicked straight away.  Right now.
The Repugnanticans want to extract something to energize the base ahead of the 2014 elections, in hopes of taking back the senate. 
The Demoncats just want it to go away, so that they can get their amnesty vote done, so that they can solicit the votes of every illegal in the US for generations to come.

Re: Greek tragedy!

by wattie » Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:06 pm

Debt ceiling debacle....surely everyone knows about it.

Obama inherited a $10 trillion debt.

It's now $16 Trillion plus.....he's added more debt than any other president in US history.

Us debt is probably closer to $200 trillion when you factor in social security unfounded benefits etc etc.

This pretty much says it all.

So, will the worlds biggest PONZI scheme run out of cash.....with catastrophic consequences or will the can be kicked a little further down the road????

Cheers Wattie

Re: Greek tragedy!

by wattie » Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:29 am

Ahhhh don't you love bankers.

These markets are now known as being rigged.

  Libor - interest rates (link)
•ISDAfix - swaps (link)
•Platts - oil prices (link)
•WM/Reuters - FX (link)

•High-Frequency Trading - equities

Lets just face it, it's likely everything that they can lay their grubby little paws on is too!!

Rigged casinos and too big to jail. How on earth do they continue to get away with this............. Still trust them to hold your cash?

Cheers Wattie

They just keep getting away with it.....
Absolutely no market manipulation to see here,

mainstream Bull

Zero hedge facts


cheers Wattie

Re: Greek tragedy!

by wattie » Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:06 am

Good listen on the mess, the Bernanke and the Fed has created for us all.

The Mises View: "What Bernanke Did" | Peter G. Klein

Cheers Wattie

Re: Greek tragedy!

by NormLarson » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:20 pm


Cheers Wattie

"Hopefully everyone gets a participation trophy." .. I am still laughing

Re: Greek tragedy!

by AtomMadStew » Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:21 pm

This is the point where the football pitch starts to look like a golf course where the goal posts have been moved several times.  Farce indeed

Re: Greek tragedy!

by wattie » Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:14 pm

Re: Greek tragedy!

by wattie » Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:41 pm

A simple explanation for those just joining.

Globally....there is far too much debt.

Globally....there is not enough money to repay it!

But, you can't let it default........cos then everything falls apart!


AND POLITICIANS AND BANKERS WILL TELL YOU THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT.....they'll manipulate inflation calculations etc etc etc

Todays Economics lesson endeth.

Cheers Wattie

Re: Greek tragedy!

by wattie » Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:00 pm

Dreadful US jobs numbers......with 85billion per month.

Even mainstream media is picking up on the switch from full time to part time, dreadful quality of jobs and the fact that the participation rate (fewer people looking for workie they've given up!) accounts for a drop in the unemployed.

Interest rates are creeping steadily up.....this is bad, really ominous.

Bernanke will NEVER admit he's failing.....he can't cos it would all come crashing down.......but the fundamentals don't exist.....printing money helps banks....creates bubbles in asset prices.......not create jobs of quality.

Cheers Wattie

Ohhhh dear!!

Losing control.....
Cheers Wattie

Fake growth, no how do you stop printing money without bringing it all down???
Yields go even higher......the entire derivative market is a powder keg.....primed. This may not mean much but IT IS ESTIMATED THAT THERE IS 300 TRILLION IN GLOBAL DERIVATIVES OUT THERE- CREATED BY BANKSTERS!!!!! OVER 5 times the global GDP :o

Cheers wattie
Gonna be an interesting week.....Bens gonna announce how he can ween the addicted American economy off $85 Billion every month.
Fact is he can't without huge he'll probably announce a small drop to $75Billion out of thin air, utter some bull about reviewing data and that it may or may not be revised up or down further in future.

Job'll be done, he'll assure everyone that it's under control and that they have "the tools" to alter matters if need be..........Ponzi scheme saved for now.

"Tools", appropriate word.

Cheers Wattie
Think we need to amend this thread to "American tragedy"!!!

Yup, things are now soooooo bad that Mr Ben, chairman of the Fed cannot cut the money printing by a single dollar, cos the whole Ponzi will fall apart!

Followers of this thread will understand why!

Growth, there is none. Jobs manipulated, false accounting, debt ceiling going up.

What a complete farce. Printing money out of thin air solves nothing!!!!!

Still trust the central bankers and their bits of paper?????

Cheers Wattie

Read the comments!

Re: Greek tragedy!

by AtomMadStew » Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:57 pm

:roflp: never a truer word spoken in jest Wattie.

You always have to look to the positive side of every situation - Greece could have pulled out by now.
Living in hope or living a lie? 

Wonder if their is a world record for the longest lie/biggest fib - surely this must be dam close if it isn't.

Or maybe Goldman Sachs hold that record.

Re: Greek tragedy!

by wattie » Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:00 pm

Quote of the day.

Greek PM Antonis Samaras: "You have to tell people the truth but you have to give them hope as well."

i.e., lie :roflp:

Cheers Wattie

Re: Greek tragedy!

by wattie » Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:23 am

Dreadful US jobs numbers......with 85billion per month.

Even mainstream media is picking up on the switch from full time to part time, dreadful quality of jobs and the fact that the participation rate (fewer people looking for workie they've given up!) accounts for a drop in the unemployed.

Interest rates are creeping steadily up.....this is bad, really ominous.

Bernanke will NEVER admit he's failing.....he can't cos it would all come crashing down.......but the fundamentals don't exist.....printing money helps banks....creates bubbles in asset prices.......not create jobs of quality.

Cheers Wattie

Ohhhh dear!!

Losing control.....
Cheers Wattie

Fake growth, no how do you stop printing money without bringing it all down???
Yields go even higher......the entire derivative market is a powder keg.....primed. This may not mean much but IT IS ESTIMATED THAT THERE IS 300 TRILLION IN GLOBAL DERIVATIVES OUT THERE- CREATED BY BANKSTERS!!!!! OVER 5 times the global GDP :o

Cheers wattie
Gonna be an interesting week.....Bens gonna announce how he can ween the addicted American economy off $85 Billion every month.
Fact is he can't without huge he'll probably announce a small drop to $75Billion out of thin air, utter some bull about reviewing data and that it may or may not be revised up or down further in future.

Job'll be done, he'll assure everyone that it's under control and that they have "the tools" to alter matters if need be..........Ponzi scheme saved for now.

"Tools", appropriate word.

Cheers Wattie

Re: Greek tragedy!

by Jacob Potts » Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:35 pm

Your "Adam Smith Game Show" video is hysterical, wattie!  Thanks!  :)

Re: Greek tragedy!

by AtomMadStew » Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:09 pm


What a truly furked up world we live in.


Re: Greek tragedy!

by wattie » Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:35 pm

Cyprus Update...

Clarke and Dawe - Slight problem with the Cypriot Banking System

Ben Bernanke

Clarke and Dawe - Same Special Subject as Everyone Else


Cheers Wattie

Ahhhhhh politics and bribery,

U o uz lotz ov cazh Comrade,
We mazzive ally of Zyria,
U no pay az much if u no allow attack,

Zorted, Daa  :tu:

See, everything has a price.
Cheers Vottie
