Road to Crewkerne conversion?

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Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by meladdo » Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:49 pm

Dont make a choice you will regret.......Living with a needy woman can be a pain in the rear!

Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by GraemeW » Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:12 am

Forgot to say Bungle009 and Ben L I will prob contact you again to discuss. Cheers

Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by GraemeW » Sun Jun 21, 2015 9:03 am

This week, the planets finally aligned, and I was able to get down to Somerset to drive one of these amazing cars.  The long schlep down the A303 was worth it I thought, to finally decide on this important matter (to me).

Wow, what a great car, but I regret to say I am now even more undecided.  The Atom didn't deliver the killer blow, brilliant as it was.  The Atomic plusses for me were its looks, such a beautifully put together piece of engineering, which is a work of art.  I just love it, a lot better looking than the Caterham.  Driving the Atom, it is much more refined, less vibration and better screwed together with parts expertly elected to work together.  The team at the Ariel factory are great, with a real passion and pride in their work and the car.  You just know that will translate into a brilliant buying and ownership experience.

On balance I still think the Caterham is easier to drive and enjoy without having to concentrate too much.  Its difficult to say if there is anything in it with two very short test drives. I really enjoyed both, but they're  different.  The Caterham, I took to quicker.  Maybe there is a prize to be had when you get used to the Atom?  Those seasoned Crate and Atom owners may have something to say on that. 

However, what I did not expect was that I felt slightly more cramped in the Atom, and less comfortable.  Just in comparison though.  It was was still good, although I thought the seat could do with going back one more notch.  It was already at the max, but I am 6'3".

There are some other factors, like the Caterham is about £10k cheaper based on models/specs I am considering.  Not really a fair comparison I know.  Also I quite like the idea of building the car. 

I should stop over analysing and make a decision. Be decisive if I want any chance of having the new car by spring 2016, otherwise another six months will quickly pass before I have the chance to think about this again in my busy life! 

Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by GraemeW » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:30 am

Thanks Stu.  That's what I suspect.

Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by wasp » Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:52 pm

[quote="Steve Gibson"]
The steering geometry was the most noticeable difference. I didn't have it altered on my 3 from 2008. The car feels so much more composed, with a weightier feel at the front. Less inclined to twitch around and follow the road surface, too. I was out driving a couple of weeks back, and had forgotten, over the winter, how steady the front is. It makes it a more relaxed drive, but just as manically fast.

Digger, don't head back to Sussex just yet. Be patient.  ;)

Purely in the name of science, I went out for a drive this evening. I agree with your points above. There was certainly much less understeer and it seems to "dig in"  really well on the corners at the rear. I also engaged the loud pedal fully for the first time in 3rd and 4th gear. I'm not sure if it was me or the supercharger screaming the loudest :H:
I couldn't be happier with it.

Digger, it's not all hype. You may want the crate, but you'll need the Atom. That's the difference ;D


Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by GraemeW » Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:44 pm

I think I will stay away from there a while.  Crewkerne is next

Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by Steve Gibson » Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:51 pm

The steering geometry was the most noticeable difference. I didn't have it altered on my 3 from 2008. The car feels so much more composed, with a weightier feel at the front. Less inclined to twitch around and follow the road surface, too. I was out driving a couple of weeks back, and had forgotten, over the winter, how steady the front is. It makes it a more relaxed drive, but just as manically fast.

Digger, don't head back to Sussex just yet. Be patient.  ;)

Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by wasp » Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:12 pm

[quote="Steve Gibson"]
How much do you like the new steering geometry, Stu?

I've only done 40 road miles so far, so to honest, my feedback is pretty limited.
The first 10 or so were just trying to get a feel for the car again. I'd forgotten both how docile it can be and how pointless first gear is  :o I was the very opposite of brave ;D
Second run out and I had a bit more fun, relaxed and let the car move a little bit. It then felt rock solid and really well sorted.
Compared to my old 2, it is not even in the same ball park. Suspension, Steering and Composure are just leagues ahead. I drove Karl's 3 a fair bit and tbh, i think that the 3.5 is a significant move on. The new engine map is essential for anyone who has a 3 and hasn't had it done yet imo. It now feels like there's a cable attached again, which I felt was sorely missed on the 3. Interstingly to me, it seems to be extremely composed on the brakes too, which I had either forgotten or shows the the chassis improvements.

What differences are you feeling compared to your old one(s)?


Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by Steve Gibson » Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:41 pm

How much do you like the new steering geometry, Stu?

Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by wasp » Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:32 pm

I just picked up my 3.5,310 after 5 years without an Atom.

I'd genuinely forgotten just what these cars are like. Obviously we're biased, but the Atom experience really is something special. Good luck with your decision.


Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by GraemeW » Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:03 pm

You lot are all very confident :). Is the atom experience really that much better?  I love the atom, but the head says drive it first before you part with all that hard earned cash

Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by MrLizard » Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:19 pm

[quote="Steve Gibson"]

*£5 says you will make your mind up before leaving the factory :)


£50 says he'll make his mind up whilst he's still test-driving the Atom.  ;)

To be fair i think i made my mind up the moment Tom pressed the loud pedal for the first time with me as a passenger before we swapped over... no one will take that bet Mr Gibson

Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by Steve Gibson » Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:14 pm


*£5 says you will make your mind up before leaving the factory :)


£50 says he'll make his mind up whilst he's still test-driving the Atom.  ;)

Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by MrLizard » Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:57 pm

Dropped my father off at Gatwick this morning for an early flight.  Popped into Caterham cars since I was there.  Drove a demo car in "my" spec again.  The sun was shining and the Sussex country roads had little traffic.  It took a lot of will power not to finally place that order.  It's painful.  I can't drive an Atom until mid May.  It's a long wait, and I guess I will love both the cars and be no closer to making my mind up!

*£5 says you will make your mind up before leaving the factory :)

*Actual monetary value may differ

Re: Road to Crewkerne conversion?

by GraemeW » Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:39 pm

It's the earliest they have a car I can try and I can get down there
