F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

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Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by Bruce Fielding » Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:02 am

It's 18 minutes on the website!

Go, Max go!

No, really...


Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by jon b » Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:38 pm

Great BBC interview 10 Mins long with max. BBC red button now

Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by dp35 » Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:19 pm

Now the FIA has announced that it will be filing suit against the FOTA teams, Ferrari in particular. 

Seems like Ferrari could end any such lawsuit by announcing that they will compete in both series, with plans to pull out of the FIA series as soon as their obligation expires.  Then they could field a minimalist effort in the FIA series, with young or 2nd rate drivers, in plain white cars.  The Tifosi would not follow this series, especially when Massa & Raikonen (or Alonso?) would be racing the "real" Ferrari's against McLaren and the others in the FOTA series.

Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by DFext37 Fielding » Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:57 pm

Force India win!

Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by Driver » Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:20 am

Wonder what the new name of the series would be? Would 'FOTA' have to change their name if the F1 rights holder raises a fuss about their name? I don't follow this as closely (the politics of F1) as it's rarely reported on locally.

Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by NathanE » Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:29 am

[quote="Bruce Fielding"]
CVC - they must be a bit upset...

Only a bit.  They have already had all their money back and made a reasonable profit on their investment.  This has the potential to significantly reduce the value of their ongoing stake, but even if the "commercial rights holder" goes into liquidation they will have done very nicely out of their investment.

Seem to recall Bernie does not own CVC these days, rather some banks do so he may well end up as promoter of the new series / will not loose out too badly.

Bernie never owned CVC, it is an independent investment management business that invested alongside Bernie into F1A (or whatever it's called), the commercial rights holder.  Part/most of their investment came from buying out existing shareholders, primarily Bernie. 

Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by benyeats » Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:37 am

[quote="Bruce Fielding"]
I assume they are bluffing. But it's a hell of a bluff if it is...

Annoyingly, I had a friend staying with me last week who spends lots and lots of time with John Howett, and apparently he's been on the phone a LOT recently, but she wasn't allowed to tell me anything. Bugger!

Three further things to consider:

CVC - they must be a bit upset...

BBC - they must be a bit upset...

Silverstone - they must be laughing their arses off.


Seem to recall Bernie does not own CVC these days, rather some banks do so he may well end up as promoter of the new series / will not loose out too badly.

The BBC must have an early get out clause or something predicated on Ferrari being a competitor so may be able to switch.

Just hope the new F1 is not shown on Sky


Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by Bruce Fielding » Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:41 am

I assume they are bluffing. But it's a hell of a bluff if it is...

Annoyingly, I had a friend staying with me last week who spends lots and lots of time with John Howett, and apparently he's been on the phone a LOT recently, but she wasn't allowed to tell me anything. Bugger!

Three further things to consider:

CVC - they must be a bit upset...

BBC - they must be a bit upset...

Silverstone - they must be laughing their arses off.

Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by benyeats » Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:57 am

There is still a long time before 'new F1' has to make any real commitment, I still think they are bluffing.

However I hope they are not as there are loads of classic circuits that have been orphaned by Bernie's ever increasing financial demands, 'new F1' cars running round Silverstone, Hockenheim, Spa, Montreal, Indy sound good to me


Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by jon b » Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:52 am

There we go - the public response. It is always funny how a different picture is painted. I agree, the perv has to go and I assume the FIA board could achieve this (i assume there is a board). I assume there is no way of pushing Ernie :) out but my guess if max gies Bernie will change or follow.

Can you imagine how annoying these meetings are - would do my head in - so in this respect I'm glad we have FOTA

Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by dp35 » Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:44 am

I agree this is scary, but I'm hoping for the best.  Its not too late for Max to give in and rescue F1 as we know it, because its now clear that FOTA will not.  I applaud FOTA for sticking together and standing up to Max. 

If this split happens, IMO it will not be just like the IndyCar split.  In that case CART took all the best teams & drivers, but IRL had the one race that mattered the most, and that's why the IRL ultimately won.  F1 doesn't have one defining race that the series is named after.  Monaco is the closest thing, but it won't work without Ferrari's, McLaren's, etc.  Perhaps now those teams will be racing at Indy again (ironically) and Canada too. 

Also, its pretty clear that the 2 people in control of F1 need to retire.  They're both old and won't be around much longer anyways.  They're also both greedy and more concerned with their own wallets and egos than anything else.  At this point Bernie & Max have 2 choices - give in to the team's demands, then eventually retire with relative dignity; or stick to their guns and go down with the ship. 

FOTA splitting into new Championship

by fiestycolumbian » Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:55 am

http://www.teamsassociation.org/press-r ... ss-release

Here is the text:

Silverstone, 18 June 2009 - Since the formation of FOTA last September the teams have worked together and sought to engage the FIA and commercial rights holder, to develop and improve the sport.

Unprecedented worldwide financial turmoil has inevitably placed great challenges before the F1 community.  FOTA is proud that it has achieved the most substantial measures to reduce costs in the history of our sport.   

In particular the manufacturer teams have provided assistance to the independent teams, a number of which would probably not be in the sport today without the FOTA initiatives.  The FOTA teams have further agreed upon a substantial voluntary cost reduction that provides a sustainable model for the future.

Following these efforts all the teams have confirmed to the FIA and the commercial rights holder that they are willing to commit until the end of 2012.   

The FIA and the commercial rights holder have campaigned to divide FOTA. 

The wishes of the majority of the teams are ignored. Furthermore, tens of millions of dollars have been withheld from many teams by the commercial rights holder, going back as far as 2006. Despite this and the uncompromising environment, FOTA has genuinely sought compromise.

It has become clear however, that the teams cannot continue to compromise on the fundamental values of the sport and have declined to alter their original conditional entries to the 2010 World Championship.

These teams therefore have no alternative other than to commence the preparation for a new Championship which reflects the values of its participants and partners.  This series will have transparent governance, one set of regulations, encourage more entrants and listen to the wishes of the fans, including offering lower prices for spectators worldwide,   partners and other important stakeholders.   

The major drivers, stars, brands, sponsors, promoters and companies historically associated with the highest level of motorsport will all feature in this new series.

I cant believe it!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by jon b » Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:18 pm

you know what I'm there this morning thinking it's Ernie Ecclestone - thought it sounded a bit wierd :)

Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by benyeats » Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:07 am

[quote="Bruce Fielding"]
This effects the UK more than any other country as the majority of teams are based here, even the French Renault and the Austrian Red Bull Racing !


Not to mention the 'Mercedes' engine builders...

The schadenfreude gained from hearing 'God Save the Queen' played when the 'French' or 'Austrian' team wins is well worth it, though...

The engine builders have already shed 50 staff.  They should be ok as Costworth is just up the road who are Max's preferred supplier for engines in the proposed Happy Shopper F1 series.

The instance of God Save the Queen being played at the Chinese (?) GP this year was something of a cock up by the race organisers....


Re: F1 battle : FIA vs. FOTA

by Bruce Fielding » Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:57 am

This effects the UK more than any other country as the majority of teams are based here, even the French Renault and the Austrian Red Bull Racing !


Not to mention the 'Mercedes' engine builders...

The schadenfreude gained from hearing 'God Save the Queen' played when the 'French' or 'Austrian' team wins is well worth it, though...
