C@terham - the "other track day" car

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Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by the_underling » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:29 pm

I found a much better picture of 'iste car' :

if it works...

I think if people want to call it: the other car, the infidel, the unworthy thing, iste car; whatever, then they can write it themselves... I can see the humour in relacing it, but from a new users point of view, and trying to actually make conversations about iste car, then its really confusing... Or, simply put it in the forum rules, so people can see what's happening...
K@terham.jpg (2.5 KiB) Viewed 399 times

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by John Lloyd » Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:26 pm

I think it's time for a Image

Another saying is "You can only please some of the people some of the time."

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by Bruce Fielding » Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:07 pm

Why can't we all just...

... get along?

(said by Jack Nicholson playing the President of the USA just moments before the Martians rip him to shreds in Mars Attacks.)

Everyone gets wound up from time to time. Now, it's time to wind down this discussion. Has anything useful has been said for quite some time? It's only a joke, and it's our joke. And as someone famed for a poor sense of humour on her, that's got top be worth something.

Ultimately it really doesn't matter. If the forum was automatically chaning "I hate the Atom" to "I love the Atom" that would be a different kettle of fish, but it isn't.

As for angry posts, we're all susceptible It's best to breathe deeply, count to ten, and realise that ultimately,  it doesn't matter a damn.

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by benyeats » Thu Nov 24, 2005 5:11 pm

Perhaps a compromise is in order here, how about, If someone types <Other Track Car> it gets changed to <aterham ?  That way everyone can be happy


Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by haymanator » Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:52 pm

my 2 penneth worth.
changing caterham, its annoying - and very childish - and very not funny! which is a shame because a lot of the content and contributions on here are amusing.

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by smithers » Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:08 pm

some more un p-c homour

why are women's feet so small?

so they can get closer to the sink  ;D

I think there may be a difference in views between the english and the rest of the world here  ;)

I personally find it hilarious to see caterham spelt this way - doh!

doesn't mean to say i hate 'those' cars though, each to their own

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by AtomFun » Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:37 pm

I would never suggest any man makes a cuppa tea, I mean what are women for? What have women ever done for us?

Hey, pop into Autocom and find out what's new in their 2006 product line.

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by Atom120 » Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:31 am

yup .....  and a dose of humor (spelt wronly on purpose)
Yeah, but I'm still waiting for my tea John - I thought you'd have brought it over to me by now! I hope you're not going to suggest I go and make the cuppa myself...

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by ross » Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:07 am

Yeah, this has been done to death now.

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by AtomFun » Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:02 am

yup .....  and a dose of humor (spelt wronly on purpose)

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by Atom120 » Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:32 am

Go have a cuppa tea, read a few jokes and for God's sake chill-out.

Best suggestion I've read in the entire thread!

White with two please...

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by AtomFun » Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:17 am

Oh for goodness sake!!!

Go have a cuppa tea, read a few jokes and for God's sake chill-out. It's supposed to be fun, like owning an Atom!

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by ka mano » Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:14 am

[quote="Ross McWilliam"]
[quote="ka mano"]
Ross, if you're telling me how you feel as an individual and that my posting made for an unpleasant experience for you, I will, indeed, try to be more mindful and to respect your sense of civility (of course, as a civilian, you can choose not to read this thread if it unsettles you).  It wasn't clear to me that you werenâ??t flashing your badge and writing me a warning.

My ONLY issue was simply that your post came across as a needlessly angry demand - if you have a request and you'd like it heard, simply try and express it in a less 'angry' way and there won't be a problem.


Thanks, Ross.  Just so I'm clear, you're saying there will be a problem if someone's manner of expression crosses some yet-to-be disclosed threshold you have for anger, at least without establishing it as needful according to criteria you have yet to share with us?  How would that person experience it as problemmatic?

Would you please answer these and the other questions I've asked you?

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by Atom120 » Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:08 am

There really isn't a legal issue here given the disclaimers people agree to when registering for the forum - and even if there was, it wouldn't be relevant as noone's going to put up the money to fight it!

I think its all quite amusing, and that more people should vote in the other poll ...voting's going quite well...

And on the subject of Caterhams, if I had the money, I'd have one in addition to my Atom. I quite like them.

Re: C@terham - the "other track day" car

by Richard Marler » Thu Nov 24, 2005 9:50 am

Firstly, I should say I don't care either way. It just doesn't seem important to me.

Secondly, I know that this word replacement is generally a tricky area when it comes to the law. Its something along the lines that by 'monitoring' certain words, you are taking on the responsibility to monitor all content. What you don't want to do is get yourself in a position where legally you are considered to be regulating all content. If that were the case and someone expressed an opinion that, for example, insighted racism, and that comment was not removed, then, because you are 'monitoring' content, you could be held responsible for that comment. If you took the stance that it is impossible to monitor all content, then you cannot be held responsible. PLEASE don't take my word for any of that, as I am not a lawyer, I just read something along those lines and thought you guys my like to know.
