All posts by Steve Wind-Mozley

Steve has ruined many cars over the years, modding them trying to get them to go around circuits quicker. Luckily Ariel did a pretty good job with the Atom, so now he mostly makes excuses about why he is not faster. He's a tech marketing bod so he loves a good game of buzzword bingo.

Dragons not Whales!

South Wales Car Festival, Sunday 7th May 10:00am till 4:00pm The Club has been invited to attend the South Wales Car Festival, in aid of St David’s Hospice Care. The show is based at Chepstow

Ariel North America

The apex of men in sheds – Club Away day

Factory Tour of Arch Motors (major suppliers to brands like Lola, Brabham, Lotus, Mclaren and Ariel) Date: Saturday 20th May, 2023, Location, Huntingdon, UK. The Club have arranged a rare visit to Arch Motors, the

Reverie front wing

Group Buy – Atom 2,3,3.5 Reverie Carbon Fibre

Exclusive Member Discount High Downforce front and rear wings, and more! The Club have negotiated the following deal with Reverie, manufacturers and repairers pof many wonderful carbon things. The high quality after market items have

Storm the Castle!

Wednesday May 31st – last few spaces left – Only £260 per car – unrivalled track time! Castle Combe, UK Atoms and Nomads are designed to make you smile whatever the road, trail or weather.

2023 Ariel Club Calendar

The perfect gift to yourself (or to those unfortunate folk who do not have an Ariel in their life), a limited edition, full colour calendar, that is guaranteed to cover the the whole 12 months