All posts by Steve Wind-Mozley

aridus sed avidus

Coffee Run

Bicester Heritage 19th May

The club have been invited to attend the Bicester Heritage Coffee Run on the 19th May. If you’d like to attend for free, simply go here to order a free ticket and then add you

T Time (track time, that is)

Its often said that driving your Ariel on track is like visiting another planet – it’s an experience that is is other-worldly and not much else on Planet Earth can come close. And now with

Let’s get our group on!

One if the wonderful things about our amazing Ariel vehicles is that it is almost impossible to find 2 that are identical. Each one is built to its owners specifications (and if you ever want

If in doubt, flat out!

Sadly, the late, great Colin Mcrae never got to drive a Nomad around a private rally stage deep in the Welsh countryside, but eight Ariel Club members did. The lucky eight spent the day at

Collecting Cars Bicester Heritage Meet

We’ve been invited to participate in a club display at the forthcoming Collection Cars event at Bicester Heritage on September 11th. The organisers (including one Chris ‘Monkey’ Harris) are looking to have over 1000 cars

Nomad Rally Day

What’s more fun than a Nomad? A bunch of Nomads hooning around a private rally stage! Club member and our official Nomad Wrangler, Olnorth, has booked Sweet Lamb Rally Stage for Saturday 27th August. Check

Factory EXCLUSIVE Track Day Experience

In celebration of all things that are #SeriousFun, we are delighted to announce a Members Only, Very Limited, Special Event, coming to a race track near you* this October. Ariel Motor Company are running a

The journey from 245 to 350

The #BananAtom has now done 3 track days a couple of road runs since the 3.5R conversion was completed and impressions are good. FA quick reminder – I specced my 2018 K20 as a normally